École Pratique des Hautes Études

Gnose et manichéisme

Entre les oasis d’Égypte et la route de la soie


Description et organisation

17 mai 2017 à 18h30
EPHE – Bâtiment Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 1er sous-sol, salle 9
54 boulevard Raspail, Paris 6e [Métro Sèvres-Babylone ou Rennes]

Présenté par :

Anna Van den Kerchove
Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete

avec la participation de Jean-Daniel Dubois

L’ouvrage témoigne de la richesse du parcours intellectuel de Jean-Daniel Dubois, depuis les oasis d’Égypte jusqu’à la Route de la Soie…
Il fait le point sur les dernières avancées de la recherche dans les études gnostiques, manichéennes et apocryphes, en croisant les disciplines et les périodes et en tissant des liens avec l’environnement philosophico-religieux tardo-antique.
Venez rencontrer J.-D. Dubois, auquel ce livre est dédié, et A. Van den Kerchove et L.G. Soares Santoprete, directrices de la publication, qui nous en présenteront les principales thématiques.

À l’occasion du départ à la retraite de Jean-Daniel Dubois de la direction d’études « Gnose et Manichéisme » à l’École pratique des hautes études en 2015, plusieurs de ses collègues et amis ont tenu à lui rendre hommage. La diversité des thèmes, des écrits et des communautés culturelles et linguistiques étudiés dans les quarante-quatre contributions ici publiées, témoigne de la richesse du parcours intellectuel de Jean-Daniel Dubois, lequel s’étend des oasis d’Égypte jusqu’à la Route de la Soie.
Ce volume s’adresse aux spécialistes de la Méditerranée, du Proche-Orient et de l’Extrême-Orient anciens. Il intéressera les historiens des religions, particulièrement ceux des mouvements chrétiens – dont les courants gnostiques -, du manichéisme, des cultes polythéistes et de l’islam, les philologues ainsi que les historiens de la philosophie de l’Antiquité tardive.

(Texte des organisateurs)

Claremont Colleges Digital Libraries

Nag Hammadi Archive

Description and organization

The Nag Hammadi codices, ancient manuscripts containing over fifty religious and philosophical texts hidden in an earthenware jar for 1,600 years, were accidentally discovered in upper Egypt in the year 1945. A group of farmers came across an entire collection of books written in Coptic, the very language spoken by Egyptian Christians. The excavations, prepared by James M. Robinson, the former director of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity and Professor Emeritus at The Claremont Graduate School, did not occur until 1975 due to travel restrictions and a breakdown in political relations between the United States and Egypt.

This immensely important discovery included a large number of primary Gnostic scriptures. One text in particular received much attention – the Gospel according to Thomas, which was originally called ‘the secret words of Jesus written by Thomas’. These texts, scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth, were once thought to have been entirely destroyed during the early Christian struggle to define « orthodoxy. »  The discovery and translation of the Nag Hammadi library, completed in the 1970’s, has provided momentum to a major reassessment of early Christian history and the nature of Gnosticism.

The images in this collection record the environments surrounding excavations, visiting dignitaries, and the scholars working on the codices. Today, the codices are conserved at the Coptic Museum in Cairo and due to their antiquity and exposure are no longer completely legible. Photographs fortuitously taken in the late 1970’s are one of the only means of deciphering the writing contained in these ancient texts.

The Nag Hammadi codices images in this collection are the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity’s J-Series negatives taken by Basile Psiroukis in September 1973. They are an earlier and different set of photos than the ones published by E. J. Brill from 1973-79 as The Facsimile Edition of the Nag Hammadi Codices. These earlier J-series negatives include the photographer’s notes and contain many differences, large and small, from the Brill photos. Every effort has been made to match these negatives to the later UNESCO photographs published by E. J. Brill. Additional series’ of the codices are soon to be digitized and will be added to the collection.

(Text by the organizers)



Gnose et manichéisme

Entre les oasis d’Egypte et la route de la soie

Hommage à Jean-Daniel Dubois

A. Van den Kerchove, L. G. Soares Santoprete (eds.), 2017


A l’occasion du départ à la retraite de Jean-Daniel Dubois de la direction d’études « Gnose et Manichéisme » à l’Ecole pratique des hautes études en 2015, plusieurs de ses collègues et amis ont tenu à lui rendre hommage. La diversité des thèmes, des écrits et des communautés culturelles et linguistiques étudiés dans les quarante-quatre contributions ici publiées, témoigne de la richesse du parcours intellectuel de Jean-Daniel Dubois, lequel s’étend des oasis d’Egypte jusqu’à la Route de la Soie. Ce volume s’adresse aux spécialistes de la Méditerranée, du Proche-Orient et de l’Extrême-Orient anciens. Il intéressera les historiens des religions, particulièrement ceux des mouvements chrétiens – dont les courants gnostiques -, du manichéisme, des cultes polythéistes et de l’islam, les philologues ainsi que les historiens de la philosophie de l’Antiquité tardive.

(Texte de la maison d’édition)

Table de matières

Anna Van den Kerchove et Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete

L’itinéraire intellectuel de Jean-Daniel Dubois
Anna Van den Kerchove et Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete
Bibliographie de Jean-Daniel Dubois
Anna Van den Kerchove et Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete
Tabula gratulatoria

PARTIE I. Écrits gnostiques
Not Really Non-Existent? A Suggestion for Interpreting and Restoring Zostrianos (Nag Hammadi Codex VIII, 1) 117, 11-15 – Stephen Emmel
L’avant-dernier feuillet de l’Évangile de Judas – une reconstitution – Gregor Wurst
La philosophie des systèmes gnostiques des premiers principes – Josep Montserrat-Torrents
El Sobre los principios de Orígenes y el Tratado tripartito (NHC I, 5) reconsiderados – Francisco García Bazán
The Anonymous Parmenides Commentary, Marius Victorinus, and the Sethian Platonizing Apocalypses: State of the Question – John D. Turner
Padre femenino. El Dios-Madre de los gnósticos – Mariano Troiano
The melothesia of the Apocryphon of John and the Umm al-kitāb – Einar Thomassen
Le théâtre du monde: illusion ou rédemption? – Claudine Besset-Lamoine

PARTIE II. L’Église manichéenne et la réception des écrits manichéens
Secrets of heaven: Manichaean cosmology in its late antique context – Jason David BeDuhn
Le jumeau et le paraclet céleste de Mani: quelques éléments de lecture et de réflexion – Simon C. Mimouni
Symbols of liberation: The Salvation-seeking Souls, the Primary Prophets, and the Light Mind in Manichaean Didactic Painting – Zsuzsanna Gulácsi
Exégèse manichéenne et anti-manichéenne de 2 Corinthiens 4, 4 chez Titus de Bostra (Contre les manichéens IV 108) – Madeleine Scopello
Vérité, Erreur et Mensonge dans le Psautier et les Kephalaia du Fayorem – Paul-Hubert Poirier
Le retour du refoulé. Le concept de la vision de Dieu pour Augustin à la suite des nouvelles recherches sur le manichéisme – Giovanni Filoramo
Sur les traces syriaques des manichéens : les réfutations de Moïse bar Kepha (IXes.) et de Jacques bar Šakko (XIIIs.) – Flavia Ruani
Mani déguisé en monophysite – Alain Le Boulluec
La colonne de lumière, une notion manichéenne dans l’ismaélisme ṭayyibite – Daniel De Smet
Les cinq esprits de l’homme divin (Aspects de l’imamologie duodécimaine XIII) – Mohammad-Ali Amir-Moezzi
‘In the name of Jesus’. Observations on the term ‘Jesus the Messiah’ in christian and manichaean texts from Central Asia – Samuel N. C. Lieu
Le chant divin : rôle et pouvoir de la musique rituelle. Des rites musicaux de l’Orient ancien aux hymnes des manichéens de Chine – Lucie Rault

PARTIE III. Acta Pilati et leur réception
À propos d’un passage mystérieux dans l’Évangile de Nicodème (XVI 3) – Bernard Outtier
Une polémique de rabbins évacuée dans les versions d’Acta Pilati 14.1.2 – Gérard Roquet
La gloria inexpresable. Las teofanías de los apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento y su significado en una variante copta de las Actas de Pilato – Magdalena Díaz Araujo
«Et les enseignes s’inclinèrent» : possibles allusions aux Actes de Pilate dans quelques homélies coptes – Anne-Catherine Baudoin
Diffusion et réception des Actes de Pilate dans la littérature byzantine – Rémi Gounelle
La manifestation de la royauté du Christ dans les Actes de Pilate ré-actualisée dans la liturgie byzantine sous l’impulsion du Pseudo-Germain de Constantinople – Christiane Furrer
The Troyes Redaction of the Evangelium Nicodemi and its Vernacular Legacy – Zbigniew Izydorczyk and Dario Bullitta
De quelques pièces du dossier syriaque sur Pilate : de la correspondance byzantine à la correspondance médiévale – Alain J. Desreumaux
À la recherche de la tradition perdue : à propos d’une édition critique de la version slave des Acta Pilati – Susana Torres Prieto

PARTIE IV. Lieux et figures
Le parent comique du monastère. À propos du De vita contemplativa de Philon d’Alexandrie – Tatjana Aleknienė
Épigraphie et expériences religieuses : le cas des ‘bains’ de Gadara (Palaestina IIa) – Nicole Belayche
Remarques à propos des fragments coptes 159-160, 302-304, conservés à l’IFAO du Caire: Une homélie copte sur la Vierge Marie attribuée à Cyrille de Jérusalem – Agnès Le Tiec
Bardaisan and the Bible – Alberto Camplani
La double figure de Joseph d’Arimathie : histoire de la réception d’un personnage biblique – Régis Burnet
Bartholomew’s martyrdoms : the Latin tradition – Els Rose
Kālēb, souverain et saint : un nouvel Alexandre? – Jacques-Noël Pérès
Loisy et les apocryphes pétriniens – Jean-Michel Roessli

PARTIE V. Pensées grecque et d’Orient
Visions et légitimation : voie hermétique de la connaissance et du salut dans Corpus Hermeticum I – Anna Van den Kerchove
OC 216 (dubium) des Places – Fragmentum Orphicum 353 Kern. Probleme und Interpretationen – Helmut Seng
Le mythe d’Ouranos, Kronos et Zeus comme argument antignostique chez Plotin – Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete
Le rituel théurgique de l’ensevelissement et le Phèdre de Platon. À propos de Proclus, Théologie Platonicienne, IV, 9 – Philippe Hoffmann
Le ḥadīth de la création des noms divins et son exégèse par Mullā Ṣadrā – Christian Jambet
L’image, lieu de la médiation dans les papyrus magiques grecs – Michela Zago
Sortilège nabatéen – Michel Tardieu

Thèmes principaux, Noms anciens de dieux, personnes, lieux
Auteurs modernes



The Gnostic New Age

How a Countercultural Spirituality Revolutionized

Religion from Antiquity to Today

April D. DeConick, New York: Columbia University Press, 2016


Gnosticism is a countercultural spirituality that forever changed the practice of Christianity. Before it emerged in the second century, passage to the afterlife required obedience to God and king. Gnosticism proposed that human beings were manifestations of the divine, unsettling the hierarchical foundations of the ancient world. Subversive and revolutionary, Gnostics taught that prayer and mediation could bring human beings into an ecstatic spiritual union with a transcendent deity. This mystical strain affected not just Christianity but many other religions, and it characterizes our understanding of the purpose and meaning of religion today. In The Gnostic New Age, April D. DeConick recovers this vibrant underground history to prove that Gnosticism was not suppressed or defeated by the Catholic Church long ago, nor was the movement a fabrication to justify the violent repression of alternative forms of Christianity. Gnosticism alleviated human suffering, soothing feelings of existential brokenness and alienation through the promise of renewal as God. DeConick begins in ancient Egypt and follows with the rise of Gnosticism in the Middle Ages, the advent of theosophy and other occult movements in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and contemporary New Age spiritual philosophies. As these theories find expression in science-fiction and fantasy films, DeConick sees evidence of Gnosticism’s next incarnation. Her work emphasizes the universal, countercultural appeal of a movement that embodies much more than a simple challenge to religious authority.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

1. The Matrix of Ancient Spirituality
2. The Gnostic True Man
3. Superpowers and Monsters
4. Paul and Gnostic Dogma
5. John and the Dark Cosmos
6. Gnostic Altered States
7. Hell Walks and Star Treks
8. Spiritual Avatars
9. The Pi of Politics
10. Pleasantville Religions
11. Gnosticism Out on a Limb
English Translation of Gnostic Sources



The Monastic Origins of the Nag Hammadi Codices

Hugo Lundhaug, Lance Jenott, Heidelberg: Mohr Siebeck, 2015


Hugo Lundhaug and Lance Jenott offer a sustained argument for the monastic provenance of the Nag Hammadi Codices. They examine the arguments for and against a monastic Sitz imLeben and defend the view that the Codices were produced and read by Christian monks, mostlikely Pachomians, in the fourth- and fifth-century monasteries of Upper Egypt. Eschewing themodern classification of the Nag Hammadi texts as “Gnostic,” the authors approach the codicesand their ancient owners from the perspective of the diverse monastic culture of late antiqueEgypt and situate them in the context of the ongoing controversies over extra-canonicalliterature and the theological legacy of Origen. Through a combination of sources, includingidealized hagiographies, travelogues, monastic rules and exhortations, and the more quotidiandetails revealed in documentary papyri, manuscript collections, and archaeology, monasticismin the Thebaid is brought to life, and the Nag Hammadi codices situated within it. Thecartonnage papyri from the leather covers of the codices, which bear witness to the monasticculture of the region, are closely examined, while scribal and codicological features of thecodices are analyzed and compared with contemporary manuscripts from Egypt. Specialattention is given to the codices’ scribal notes and colophons which offer direct evidence of their producers and users. The study ultimately reveals the Nag Hammadi Codices as acollection of books completely at home in the monastic manuscript culture of late antiqueEgypt.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

The Secret Books of the Egyptian Gnostics?

The Present Study

Monastic Diversity in Upper Egypt

Archaeological Evidence


Gnostics in Fourth and Fifth Century Egypt?


Urban Literati


The Cartonnage

Official Accounts and Large Quantities

Acquisition of Cartonnage

Book Lists

The Pachomian Federation

The Colophons


The Codices

The Dishna Papers

Origenist Monks?


The Secret Books of the Egyptian Monastics

Index of Ancient Sources

Index of Modern Authors



Laval University

Bibliothèque Copte de Nag Hammadi

Description and organization

Home to the project governing the Francophone edition, translation, and publication of the codices. Many of the French translations are more recent and up-to-date with scholarship than those found in the NHLE, and so are worth consulting even by Anglophone scholars.

(Text by the organizers)



The Gnosis Archive

The Gnostic Society Library


Description and organization

The Gnostic Society Library (a section of The Gnosis Archive), contains a vast collection of primary documents relating to the Gnostic tradition as well as a selection of in-depth audio lectures and brief archive notes designed to orient study of the documents, their sources, and the religious tradition they represent.  (See theOverview of the Library Collection, below.)

The library includes over a thousand documents (four gigabytes of material) related to the Gnostic tradition, including all major Gnostic writings and anti-Gnostic patristic texts.  Using the Archive Search function, students and researches can easily find just about any anything relating to the Gnostic tradition.

Lectures provided in the library are from the audio archives of The Gnostic Society in Los Angeles and BC Recordings; they are presented in MP3 format or an older RealAudio format and run about 75 minutes in length. As you visit the library, set aside time to listen to a lecture. Remember to also visit the Gnostic Society Bookstore for a collection of the best current works on Gnosis and Gnosticism.

Recently updated in the Library:

The Nag Hammadi Library collection received a major update in May 2015. Several prominent scholars have contributed editions of their authoritative translations to our library collection. Over twenty of these new translations have now been added to the online collection. We are especially grateful for the assistance and contributions of Dr. Willis Barnstone, Dr. John Turner, Dr. Stevan Davies, and the late Dr. Marvin Meyer. This resource in the Gnostic Society library receives a few million unique visits each year and is referenced by many academic courses which survey the Gnostic tradition, as well as by readers from all over the world.

(Text by the organizers)



Women in Western and Eastern Manichaeism

Madeleine Scopello, Leiden: Brill, 2014


The exceptional place women held in Manichaeism, in everyday life or myth, is the object of this book. Relying on firsthand Manichaean texts in several languages and on polemical sources, as well as on iconography, the various papers analyze aspects of women’s social engagement by spreading Mani’s doctrine, working to support the community, or corresponding with other Manichaean groups. Topics such as women’s relation to the body and elect or hearer status are also investigated. The major role played by female entities in the myth is enlightened through occidental and oriental texts and paintings discovered in Central Asia and China.

(Text from the publisher)

Table de matières

Chapter 1, Ambivalent Beauty: Divine Transgendering in the ‘Seduction of the Archons’ and Elsewhere in Manichaean Myth

Chapitre 2, Trois témoignages polémiques sur l’engagement des femmes dans la diffusion de la religion de Mani. Analyse historique et lexicale

Chapitre 3,  La « Mère de la Vie ». Identité et fonctions

Chapitre 4, L’usage manichéen du terme Enthymèsis dans les Kephalaia coptes de Berlin

Chapter 5, The Manichaean Women in the Greek and Coptic Letters from Kellis

Chapter 6 ,“You Being for Us Helpers, and Worthy Patrons …” (P. Kell. Copt. 31). Manichaean Gift-Exchange in the Village of Kellis

Chapter 7, The (Female) Manichaean Body: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Eastern Manichaean Texts

Chapter 8, Digital Restoration of an Icon of the Light Maiden Preserved on a Uygur Manichaean Mortuary Banner from 10th-Century Kocho

Chapter 9, The Figure of the Virgin of Light in the New Chinese Manichaica



I manoscritti di Nag Hammadi

Nicola Denzey Lewis, 2014, Roma: Carocci, 2014


Gli scritti scoperti nel 1945 nella località egiziana di Nag Hammadi, fonti preziose per conoscere il cristianesimo dei primi secoli, sono densi di fascino e ricchi di stimoli per il lettore odierno. Il volume è una guida introduttiva ai testi più significativi di questa straordinaria biblioteca: con un linguaggio chiaro e accessibile, l’autrice li presenta raggruppandoli secondo criteri inerenti ai temi e ai generi letterari e li inquadra entro il più ampio contesto dei fenomeni religiosi dell’età tardoantica, sciogliendo i loro enigmi più oscuri.

(Testo della casa editrice)


Premessa all’edizione italiana di Matteo Grosso


Come si citano i testi di Nag Hammadi

Raccolte di testi di Nag Hammadi tradotti in altre lingue moderne

Elenco dei trattati di Nag Hammadi

  1. I codici di Nag Hammadi: una biblioteca cristiana del quarto secolo e.v.

I manoscritti di Nag Hammadi: alcune caratteristiche codicologiche

Perché è stato adottato il formato del codice?

Perché una collezione di testi gnostici?

Perché possedere questa collezione è per noi un fatto straordinario?

Il livello culturale dei copisti

Chi erano gli scribi di Nag Hammadi?

Datazione e localizzazione dei codici

Si tratta davvero di testi “gnostici”?

Per approfondire

  1. La questione dello gnosticismo

È davvero esistito lo gnosticismo?

Hans Jonas e lo gnosticismo

La definizione di Messina

Ripensare lo “gnosticismo”: Michael Williams e Karen King

La scuola di Yale

Eresia e ortodossia

Quale grado di veridicità hanno le ricostruzioni degli eresiologi?

Il cristianesimo attuale e lo gnosticismo antico

Per approfondire

  1. Orizzonti religiosi dell’Impero romano


La struttura sociale

Contesti religiosi nell’Impero romano

Altre religioni nell’Impero romano

Influssi della cultura romana sul cristianesimo

Per approfondire

  1. Il cristianesimo nel contesto dell’Impero nel secondo secolo: una visione d’insieme

Convertirsi alla fede cristiana: alcuni scenari

Integrarsi o non integrarsi? Un dilemma cristiano

Cristianesimi locali

Uno sguardo in avanti

Per approfondire

  1. Preghiere gnostiche

La Preghiera dell’apostolo Paolo

La Preghiera di ringraziamento

Le tipologie di preghiera nel mondo antico

Perché la Preghiera dell’apostolo Paolo è stata posta all’inizio del codice I?

La figura di Gesù nella Preghiera dell’apostolo Paolo

Dio nella Preghiera di ringraziamento

Gli aspetti invisibili della preghiera

Altre preghiere nei testi di Nag Hammadi

Altre preghiere fuori di Nag Hammadi

Per approfondire

  1. Valentino e i valentiniani

Ireneo a proposito di Valentino e dei valentiniani

La fede cristiana secondo Valentino

Gli scritti di Valentino

I maestri valentiniani e il tardo valentinianesimo

La fine della scuola valentiniana

Per approfondire

  1. Alcuni testi valentiniani

Trattato tripartito (NHC I,5)

Interpretazione della gnosi (NHC XI,1)

Trattato valentiniano (NHC XI,2)

Quali elementi rendono un testo “valentiniano”?

Altri elementi valentiniani nei testi di Nag Hammadi

Due iscrizioni valentiniane

Per approfondire

  1. Due vangeli valentiniani

Il Vangelo di Verità

Il Vangelo di Filippo

Per approfondire

  1. I testi legati al nome di Tommaso

Chi era Tommaso?

Esisteva una “scuola di Tommaso”?

Lo “strano caso” del Vangelo di Tommaso

Il Vangelo di Tommaso è un testo gnostico?

La fine del mondo nel Vangelo di Tommaso

Il rapporto del Vangelo di Tommaso con i vangeli canonici

Che cosa risale al secondo secolo in questa collezione di detti?

Tommaso contro Giovanni: una polemica alle origini del cristianesimo?

Gnosi e conoscenza di sé nel Vangelo di Tommaso

Il gemello di Gesù

Per approfondire

  1. Lo gnosticismo setiano

Perché gli eresiologi non ci aiutano a conoscere lo gnosticismo setiano

Come riconoscere un (testo) setiano

Tipologie di testi setiani

Quattro caratteristiche fondamentali dello gnosticismo setiano

Le Tre stele di Set

Alla ricerca degli inafferrabili setiani

Per approfondire

  1. “In principio”: due racconti della creazione

L’Ipostasi degli arconti: la storia del testo

Sull’origine del mondo: la storia del testo

La relazione letteraria tra l’Ipostasi degli arconti Sull’origine del mondo

La natura degli arconti nell’Ipostasi degli arconti e nel trattato Sull’origine del mondo

Questi trattati sono riprese della Genesi o sono contro la Genesi?

Dubbi e interrogativi sul libro della Genesi

Riflessioni e risposte

Leggere la Genesi nell’antichità

Sesso e potere: lo stupro di Eva

Violenza e discendenza: l’origine di un popolo

Da dove proviene la tripartizione del genere umano presente in questi testi?

L’intronizzazione di Sabaoth

La conclusione della storia

Per approfondire

  1. Un classico dello gnosticismo

I manoscritti dell’Apocrifo di Giovanni

Il Libro segreto di Giovanni e le sue rivelazioni “non così segrete”

La teologia apofatica e il problema della creazione

La struttura del cosmo

La creazione di Ialdabaoth e il pentimento di Sophia

La creazione del genere umano

L’esegesi biblica nell’Apocrifo di Giovanni

L’inno a Pronoia

Le vie per uscire dalla schiavitù

L’autore e il suo pubblico

Per approfondire

  1. Un classico testo liturgico

La funzione e la struttura del testo

La cosmologia

Il cosmo inferiore e gli esseri che lo popolano

Il racconto di una storia sacra in una celebrazione setiana

Le serie vocaliche

Le tre discese di Set nel mondo

Il battesimo

Il Vangelo degli Egiziani è un testo cristiano?

Per approfondire

  1. Confrontarsi con la morte

Concezioni dell’aldilà nell’Impero romano

Il problema della morte nei testi di Nag Hammadi

La risurrezione

Il martirio


La funzione dei sacramenti

Le pratiche funebri nell’Impero

I rituali funebri gnostici

Per approfondire

  1. Decostruzione del “femminile divino”

La struttura narrativa di Tuono: mente perfetta

La Protennoia trimorfe

Detti sapienziali e detti in prima persona

Chi è Protennoia/Ennoia?

Il finale della Protennoia trimorfe

La Protennoia trimorfe e il Vangelo di Giovanni

Tuono: mente perfetta e la violenza presente nella società

La questione del pubblico

Considerazioni conclusive

Per approfondire

  1. Perché in questa biblioteca cristiana ci sono anche testi pagani?

Il Corpus Hermeticum

Il Discorso sull’Ogdoade e l’Enneade


Alcuni temi ermetici

Per approfondire

  1. Tradizioni apostoliche in conflitto

La Lettera di Pietro a Filippo

Pietro e la tradizione dei dodici apostoli

Pietro (e Paolo) negli Atti degli Apostoli

Gli Atti di Pietro e dei dodici discepoli

L’allegoria negli Atti di Pietro e dei dodici discepoli

L’Apocalisse di Pietro

Questi testi petrini sono gnostici?

Visioni e autorità: le apparizioni del Risorto

Per approfondire

  1. L’Apocalisse! Visioni della fine del mondo

Il contesto sociale

La letteratura apocalittica giudaica

Caratteri della letteratura apocalittica

La fine del mondo?

Le apocalissi di Nag Hammadi

Le sezioni apocalittiche presenti negli altri scritti di Nag Hammadi

Per approfondire

  1. Le apocalissi setiano-platoniche

Filosofia greca e gnosticismo

Che cosa c’è di apocalittico nelle apocalissi setiane?

Il battesimo nelle apocalissi setiane

Per approfondire

  1. Oltre Nag Hammadi

Il codice Tchacos

Il Vangelo di Giuda

La cosmologia del Vangelo di Giuda

Il Vangelo di Giuda è setiano?

Che cosa ci dice il Vangelo di Giuda del cristianesimo proto-ortodosso?

Un vangelo senza la salvezza?

Il Vangelo di Maria Maddalena

Che cosa ci dice il Vangelo di Maria del cristianesimo proto-ortodosso?

Per approfondire


Indice analitico



Presse Université Laval

Textes en français de Nag Hammadi et du

Codex de Berlin disponibles on-line

Description et organisation

Sont disponibles gratuitement toutes les traductions françaises de La Bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi (BCNH) lancée en 1974 à l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada).

Aux codices de Nag Hammadi, il a été joint les quatre traités contenus dans le Berolinensis Gnosticus 8502, un codex conservé à Berlin qui contient deux traités dont on trouve des parallèles dans la collection de Nag Hammadi.

(Texte des organisateurs)

