Plutarch in the Religious and Philosophical

Discourse of Late Antiquity

Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta & Israel Muñoz Gallarte (ed), Leyde: Brill, 2012


The works of Plutarch, notably his Moralia, provide us with exceptional evidence to reconstruct the spiritual and intellectual atmosphere of the first centuries CE. As a priest of Apollo at Delphi, Plutarch was a first range witness of ancient religious experience; as a Middle Platonist, he was also actively involved in the developments of the philosophical school. Besides, he also provided a more detached point of view both regarding numerous religious practices and currents that were permeating the building of ancient pagan religion and the philosophical views of other schools. His combining the insider and the sensitive observer s perspectives make Plutarch a crucial starting point for the understanding of the religious and philosophical discourse of Late Antiquity.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Preliminary Material – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta and Israel Muñoz Gallarte

Introduction: Plutarch at the Crossroads of Religion and Philosophy – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta

Plutarch on the Sleeping Soul and the Waking Intellect and Aristotle’s Double Entelechy Concept – Abraham P. Bos

The Doctrine of the Passions: Plutarch, Posidonius and Galen – Francesco Becchi

The Adventitious Motion of the Soul (Plu., De Stoic. repugn. 23, 1045B–F) and the Controversy between Aristo of Chios and the Middle Academy – Raúl Caballero

Plutarch and “Pagan Monotheism” – Frederick E. Brenk

Socrates and Alcibiades: A Notorious σχάυδαλου in the Later Platonist Tradition – Geert Roskam

Salt in the Holy Water: Plutarch’s Quaestiones Naturales in Michael Psellus’ De omnifaria doctrina – Michiel Meeusen

Iacchus in Plutarch – Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal

Plutarch’s Idea of God in the Religious and Philosophical Context of Late Antiquity – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta

Plutarch as Apollo’s Priest at Delphi – Angelo Casanova

Plutarch’s Attitude towards Astral Biology – Aurelio Pérez Jiménez

“Cicalata sul fascino volgarmente detto jettatura”: Plutarch, Quaestio convivalis 5.7 – Paola Volpe Cacciatore

The Eleusinian Mysteries and Political Timing in the Life of Alcibiades – Delfim F. Leão

Mυτηριώδης θεολοΥία: Plutarch’s fr. 157 Sandbach between Cultual Traditions and Philosophical Models – Rosario Scannapieco

A Non-Fideistic Interpretation of « pistis » in Plutarch’s Writings: The Harmony Between « pistis » and Knowledge – George van Kooten

The Colors of the Souls – Israel Muñoz Gallarte

Bibliography – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta and Israel Muñoz Gallarte

Index locorum – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta and Israel Muñoz Gallarte

Index rerum – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta and Israel Muñoz Gallarte

Index nominum – Lautaro Roig Lanzillotta and Israel Muñoz Gallarte



Neoplatonism and Gnosticism at the International Society

of Neoplatonic Studies Tenth International Conference

Description and organization

Du 20 au 24 juin 2012 s’est tenu le ISNS Tenth International Conference à l’Università di Cagliari, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, en Italie (pour les informations concernant le colloque :

The panel « Neoplatonism and Gnosticism » dirigé par Dylan Burns ( et Luciana Soares ( a été consacré exclusivement à la thématique de ce carnet. Voici l’argumentaire de ce panel : « Any paper that deals with the relationship between Neoplatonic and Gnostic thought will be considered. Sample topics could include the influence of Neoplatonic ideas and terminology on Gnostic literature (or Gnostic influence on Neoplatonism), clash and controversy between Platonic and Gnostic thinkers, comparison of Neoplatonic theurgy and Gnostic divinization, comparison of Gnostic and Neoplatonic approaches to myth, etc. Papers on ‘Gnosis’ in its wider sense, covering a range of esoteric Platonism (e.g. Hermetica, Chaldaean Oracles, etc.), are also welcome ».

Speakers’ name, affiliation, and paper title:

    1. Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete(LabEx HASTEC/CNRS-Centre Jean Pépin, Paris), “Comprendre les liens entre philosophie et gnosticisme : l’apport de nouvelles ressources numériques.” 
    2. John D. Turner (U.Nebraska,Lincoln), “Prenoetic and Hypernoetic Interhypostatic Processes in the Metaphysics of the Chaldaean Oracles and Select Gnostic Sources.”
  1. Email addresses of the speakers:
  2. Abstracts:

1. Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete:

Dans cette communication nous visons présenter le projet « Philosophie et gnosticisme : base de données et répertoire bibliographique » qui depuis novembre dernier est en cours d’élaboration sous ma direction dans le cadre du CNRS – Centre Jean Pépin avec le soutien du LabEX – HASTEC. Ce projet vise à résoudre les problèmes épistémologiques de la recherche actuelle concernant les rapports entre les pensées plotinienne et gnostiques en réalisant une base de données et un répertoire bibliographique où seront rassemblés l’ensemble des travaux afférents, explorés systématiquement les parallèles thématiques et lexicaux entre ces pensées, analysés les principaux termes, thèmes et textes jusqu’à présent étudiés, la reprise et/ou l’originalité des arguments des spécialistes au cours de l’histoire intellectuelle et les raisons historiques de leurs approches. Ces deux instruments de travail inédits fourniront ainsi une « cartographie » de l’histoire des études sur les liens entre philosophie et gnosticisme et offriront à la communauté scientifique la possibilité de réaliser des recherches croisées entre les corpus philosophiques et gnostiques portant sur le vocabulaire, les doctrines etla bibliographie. Ilscontribueront donc à faire avancer les recherches et à ouvrir également des nouvelles perspectives dans la recherche philosophique sur le débat qui animait non-chrétiens et chrétiens dans l’Antiquité.

2. John D. Turner:

This paper will examine the phenomenon of transcendental acts of knowing in the ontogenetic deployment from and contemplative reintegration of phenomenal reality (and the human self) into its precosmic origin as presented in the Chaldaean Oracles, the anonymous Parmenides Commentary, the Sethian Platonizing treatises and other select Gnostic sources such as Eugnostos the Blessed and the Simonian Megalʼ Apophasis. Specific topics of examination will be the notion of the « flowers » of fire and of mind in the Oracles, the ingenerate « fire » of the Apophasis, and, in the Sethian treatises and the Anonymous Commentary, the noetic triad and the phenomenon of « pre-thinking. » It will also be suggested that these phenomena may be speculative developments from pre-Socratic theories about primordial fire and cosmogenesis through primordial fission, condensation and rarefaction, and later Stoic theories about tensile motion.


(Texte des organisateurs)


Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth

From Ancient Egypt to Neoplatonism 

Algis Uzdavinys, Prometheus Trust, 2008


Philosophy as a Rite of Rebirth challenges our understanding of philosophy – indeed it challenges many centuries of assumptions which have reduced othodox philosophy to a shadow of its original. Uzdavinys returns to the very roots of philosophy in Ancient Egypt, and shows why the Greeks revered that land of pyramids and priest-kings as the source of divine wisdom. Bringing his understanding of many great traditions of philosophy – Indian, Islamic, Greek, and others – he presents the case for considering philosophy as a human participation in a theophany, or divine drama. Casting aside the unnatural limitations of modern philosophy, as well as the grave misunderstandings of Egyptologists, radical and exciting possibilities emerge for the serious philosopher. These possibilities will certainly change our view of the universe in general, but most particularly our view of ourselves. The Rebirth of the title is one that implies an expansion of consciousness both upwards towards the divine heights of reality, and outwards to embrace the whole of creation as a living image of the gods. The exercises of philosophy thus move from the rational to the intuitive, onward to pure contemplation and, ultimately, to a god-like energy in the divine drama.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents




  1. Philosophy and the Eternal Wonder
  2. Learning to Live and Learning to Die
  3. Ancient Practices of Wisdom
  4. The True Ancient Philosophy and the Way of Pious Living
  5. Understanding of Ancient Philosophy by Porphyry and Augustine
  6. From the Egyptian Soil to Hellas
  7. Translatability of Divine Names in Ancient Civilizations
  8. Heracles and Philosophical Ascent
  9. From Akhenaten to Thales
  10. Thales and the Egyptian Myths
  11. Water as Metaphysical Principle and Divine Substance
  12. Metaphysical Meaning of Ancient Mythologies
  13. Pythagorean Numbers and their Paradigms
  14. Standing on the Solar Barque
  15. Celestial Nile as the Cause of Geometry
  16. The Apollonian Road to Rebirth
  17. Philosophy as Divine Mystagogy and Beneficial Madness
  18. Philosophy and the Power of Faith: Towards the Final Union


  1. On the Back of the Heavenly Cow
  2. Proteus and the Egyptian Wisdom
  3. Allegorical Myths and Philosophy in the Temples
  4. Porphyry De abstinentia IV.6-9
  5. Sacred Animals, Philosophers, and Cosmic Numbers
  6. Hieratic Powers and Symbols of the Ineffable Father
  7. Philosophical Life of the Egyptian Priests
  8. Proximity of the Gods and the Bau of Amun
  9. Perfumes, Images, and Contemplations
  10. Divine Knowledge and Paradigms for Philosophical Mysteries
  11. Priests and Spiritual Guides
  12. Egyptian Scribes and the Way of Imhotep
  13. Amenhotep and Theology of Amun


  1. The Ramesside Icon and Three Hypostases of Plotinus
  2. Back to One‟s Native Star
  3. Archetypal Foundation of Hieroglyphic Signs and Colours
  4. Divine Ideas and Symbols
  5. Symbolic Interpretation of Hieroglyphic Script
  6. Return to the Golden Age and Paradigms to be Imitated
  7. Hieratic Myths and Symbols
  8. All Things and All Hieroglyphs
  9. Ancient Theories of Ideas
  10. Proclus ‟ Conception of Divine Forms and Unities


  1. From Eidology to Metaphysics of Being and Beyond-Being
  2. Hierarchy of Priority and Posteriority
  3. Indivisible and Divisible Being
  4. The One as Foundation of Being
  5. Incomprehensible Divine Unities
  6. Images of Divine Light
  7. The One and Many according to Egyptians
  8. Levels of Being and Non-being
  9. The Lord of Totality and His Magic
  10. Cosmogonical and Ontological Principles
  11. Invisible God and His Theophanies


  1. Depreciation of Hieratic Rites
  2. Rituals and Sacred Masks
  3. Climbing to the Divine State
  4. Cosmos and the Sacred Harmony of Strings
  5. On the Wing of Thoth: the Theurgic Way of Ra
  6. Divine Triads in Egyptian and Neoplatonic Thought
  7. Theurgic Assimilation to the Gods
  8. Deification through the Eye of Horus
  9. Spiritual Teachers and Sacred Masters
  10. Radiant Power of Names and Flight to the Throne
  11. Theurgic Union with the Divine Principle
  12. Intellect of the Father and His Cosmic Drama
  13. Elevating Powers in the Pharaonic State-Body
  14. The Perfect Man who Slew the Lords
  15. Theurgic Rites and Sacramental Theologies


  1. Sacred Images and Idols
  2. Vehicles of Divine Forces
  3. The Living Images of Everlasting Gods
  4. Animation as Ritual of Union with the Descending Rays of Ra
  5. Opening of the Mouth and Awakening to Light
  6. The Sacramental Birth of Statues in Mesopotamia and Egypt
  7. The Way of the Golden Falcon
  8. When the Womb-like Tomb is Opened
  9. Divine Beauty and the Inner Golden Statue: From Egyptian Theology to Plotinus


  1. Philosophy in the Tomb-Sanctuary
  2. The Tomb as a Threshold of Light
  3. Sacrificial Alchemy of Tombs and Altars
  4. Alchemical Passage through Death
  5. Mummification and Dialectic
  6. Musicians, Lovers, and Philosophers
  7. Divine Knowledge and Theurgic Prayers
  8. Intellect as the Spirit of Light
  9. The Osirian Initiation and Separation from the Mortal Body
  10. Resurrection of the Golden Phoenix
  11. Two Ways of theAmduat 
  12. The Union of Osiris and Ra
  13. The Inner Alchemical Work and Return to Itself
  14. Metaphysics of the Heart
  15. Understanding of Soul and Body
  16. The Homecoming of Odysseus
  17. From the Homeric Ghost to the Immortal Soul of Plato
  18. Reawakening of Intellect and Rehabilitation of Images






Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism

by Albert Camus

Albert Camus , Ronald D. Srigley (trans.), South Bend: St. Augustine’s Press, 2008


Contemporary scholarship tends to view Albert Camus as a modern, but he himself was conscious of the past and called the transition from Hellenism to Christianity the true and only turning point in history. For Camus, modernity was not fully comprehensible without an examination of the aspirations that were first articulated in antiquity and that later received their clearest expression in Christianity. These aspirations amounted to a fundamental reorientation of human life in politics, religion, science, and philosophy. Understanding the nature and achievement of that reorientation became the central task of Christian Metaphysics and Neoplatonism. Primarily known through its inclusion in a French omnibus edition, it has remained one of Camus’ least-read works, yet it marks his first attempt to understand the relationship between Greek philosophy and Christianity as he charted the movement from the Gospels through Gnosticism and Plotinus to what he calls Augustine’s second revelation of the Christian faith. Ronald Srigley’s translation of this seminal document helps illuminate these aspects of Camus’ work. His freestanding English edition exposes readers to an important part of Camus’ thought that is often overlooked by those concerned primarily with the book’s literary value and supersedes the extant McBride translation by retaining a greater degree of literalness. Srigley has fully annotated Christian Metaphysics to include nearly all of Camus’ original citations and has tracked down many poorly identified sources. When Camus cites an ancient primary source, whether in French translation or in the original language, Srigley substitutes a standard English translation in the interest of making his edition accessible to a wider range of readers. His introduction places the text in the context of Camus’ better-known later work, explicating its relationship to those mature writings and exploring how its themes were reworked in subsequent books. Arguing that Camus was one of the great critics of modernity through his attempt to disentangle the Greeks from the Christians, Srigley clearly demonstrates the place of Christian Metaphysics in Camus’ oeuvre. As the only stand-alone English version of this important work–and a long-overdue critical edition–his fluent translation is an essential benchmark in our understanding of Camus and his place in modern thought.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents


Translator’s Introduction


  1. Evangelical Christianity
  2. Gnosis
  3. Mystic Reason
  4. Augustine





Plato’s Parmenides and Its Heritage

Volume 1: History and interpretation from the Old Academy to Later Platonism and Gnosticism

John D. Turner et Kevin Corrigan, Leyde: Brill, 2011


Ce volume revient sur l’assertion de Proclus qui est généralement acceptée par la recherche et selon laquelle il n’y a pas d’interprétation métaphysique du Parménide avant Plotin. En effet, des traces d’une telle interprétation assez tôt dans le temps, comme le démontrent les différentes contributions. L’ouvrage est divisé en deux parties, la première « Plato, from the Old Academy to Middle Platonism » et la seconde « Middle Platonic and Gnostic Texts ». C’est cette seconde partie qui nous intéresse ici, particulièrement cinq articles qui évoquent les liens entre écrits gnostiques et le Parménide. Trois d’entre eux discutent notamment les résultats des recherches de Michel Tardieu et Pierre Hadot sur le Zostrien et Marius Victorinus, témoignant de leur importance. Dans « The Platonizing Sethian Treatises, Marius Victorinus’s Philosophical Sources, And Pre-Plotinian Parmenides Commentaries » (p. 131-172), John D. Turner comment le Parménide est devenu un texte de référence pour des auteurs gnostiques au tournant du iiie siècle, comme cela a été le cas chez les philosophes médio-platoniciens. Ceci amène l’auteur à revenir sur le Commentaire anonyme sur le Parménide, pour lequel il adopte une datation préplotinienne, et sur les parallèles entre le Zostrien et Marius Victorinus mis en lumière par Michel Tardieu et Pierre Hadot. Il renforce l’hypothèse d’une source commune, qui pourrait être un commentaire du Parménide, différent toutefois, voire antérieur au Commentaire anonyme du manuscrit de Turin. En annexe, l’auteur donne citations et tableaux comparatifs utiles à la compréhension de son argumentation. Johanna Brankaer s’interroge sur l’existence d’une spéculation hénologique chez les gnostiques (p. 173-194, « Is There a Gnostic ‘Henological’ Speculation ? »), pour répondre par la positive. Elle ne présente pas un panorama de ce que l’on trouve dans l’ensemble des écrits gnostiques, mais uniquement dans quatre écrits qui relèvent de ce que des chercheurs appellent « séthiens »[1] : Les Trois Stèles de Seth, Zostrien, Marsanès et Allogène. Elle relève les passages où il est question de l’Un et s’intéresse plus particulièrement au lexique utilisé pour parler des réalités supérieures et pour exprimer l’unité et/ou l’unicité. Elle aurait pu citer Jean Daniel-Dubois qui aussi des pages au lexique de l’unité/l’unicité, même s’il aborda le Traité Tripartite et non pas un écrit « séthien »[2]. Concernant les rapports entre le Zostrien et Marius Victorinus, contrairement à la plupart des chercheurs, elle insiste sur les différences. Volker Henning Drecoll, dans « The Greek Text behind the Parallel Sections in Zostrianos and Marius Victorinus » (p. 195-212) revient sur les travaux de Michel Tardieu et de Pierre Hadot. Il considère que les parallèles entre le Zostrien et Marius Victorinus sont finalement modestes et concernent des expressions qui sont communes dans les textes philosophiques de l’époque. Il discute ensuite l’hypothèse d’une source commune, d’une part celle avancée par Michel Tardieu et d’autre part celle proposée par Abramowski. Il en vient à suggérer une autre hypothèse : Marius Victorinus aurait connu directement ou indirectement (par l’intermédiaire d’un texte néoplatonicien) la version grecque du Zostrien, une version qui par ailleurs aurait pu être modifiée au moment de sa traduction en copte. Pour le moment, il ne voit pas d’arguments contre cette (double) hypothèse. Les deux articles suivants font intervenir dans la discussion les Oracles chaldaïques. John D. Turner, dans « The Chaldean Oracles and the Metaphysics of the Sethian Platonizing Treatises” (p. 213-232) étudie les structures métaphysiques et les fonctions des différentes entités, successivement dans les Oracles, dans les écrits « séthiens » platonisant et dans le Commentaire anonyme, pour faire ressortir les points de rencontre entre ces trois ensembles scripturaires. Quant à Luc Brisson, dans « A Criticism of the Chaldaean Oracles and of the Gnostics in Columns IX and X of the Anonymous Commentary on the Parmenides » (p. 233-241), revient sur la critique du Commentaire de deux interprétations concernant la possibilité de connaître l’Un (fragment 4, colonnes IX et X). Luc Brisson relève les traits qui caractérisent la seconde interprétation critiquée, celle qui se fonde sur l’autorité des Oracles chaldaïques et il pointe sur la mention de l’audace. Selon lui, cette mention pourrait suggérer que ces interprètes seraient des gnostiques. La lecture de ces articles fut stimulante, et ces articles ne manqueront pas d’intéresser tous ceux qui s’intéressent aux rapports entre écrits et idées philosophiques et gnostiques. On peut souligner aussi que la discussion s’élargit à trois « partenaires » : les écrits platoniciens, les écrits gnostiques et les Oracles chaldaïques.

(Texte de la maison d’édition) 

Table de matières

  • Abbreviations
  • Introduction
    • The Place of the Parmenidesin Plato’s Thought and in the Subsequent Tradition – Kevin Corrigan
    • Speusippus’s Neutral Conception of the One and Plato’s ParmenidesGerald Bechtle
    • The Fragment of Speusippus in Column I of the Anonymous Commentary on the ParmenidesLuc Brisson
    • Speusippus and the Ontological Interpretation of the ParmenidesJohn Dillon
    • The Indefinite Dyad in Sextus Empiricus’s Report (Adversus Mathethematicos 10.248-283) and Plato’s ParmenidesThomas Szlezák
    • Plato and Parmenides in Agreement: Ammonius’s Praise of God as One – Being in Plutarch’s The E at DelphiZlatko Pleše
    • Moderatus, E. R. Dodds, and the Development of Neoplatonist Emanation – J. Noel Hubler
    • The Platonizing Sethian Treatises, Marius Victorinus’s Philosophical Sources, and Pre-Plotinian Parmenides Commentaries – John D. Turner
    • Is There a Gnostic « Henological » Speculation? – Johanna Brankaer
    • The Greek Text behind the Parallel Sections in Zostrianosand Marius Victorinus – Volker Henning Drecoll
    • The Chaldaean Oracles and the Metaphysics of the Sethian Platonizing Treatises – John D. Turner
    • A Criticism of the Chaldaean Oracles and of the Gnostics in Columns IX and X of the Anonymous Commentary on the ParmenidesLuc Brisson
    • The Anonymous Commentary on Plato’s Parmenides and Aristotle’s Categories: Some Preliminary Remarks – Gerald Bechtle
    • Negative Theology and Radical Conceptual Purification in the Anonymous Commentary on Plato’s ParmenidesAlain Lernould
    • A Criticism of Numenius in the Last Columns (XI-XIV) of the Anonymous Commentary on the ParmenidesLuc Brisson
  • References
  • Contributors
  • Subject – Name Index
  • Index Locorum

[1] Restreindre ainsi le propos de son article à quatre écrits « séthiens » sous un intitulé général « la spéculation gnostique » semble faire des « séthiens » les seuls gnostiques, une position qui rejoindrait celle de David Brakke, The Gnostics, . Je ne suis pas sûre toutefois que ce soit la position de l’auteure, mais le titre pourrait prêter à confusion. De plus, ce titre général par rapport aux écrits choisis (sans que le choix ne soit justifié, comme s’il allait de soi vu la thématique de l’ouvrage) pourrait suggérer que pour trouver une spéculation hénologique, il faut se tourner vers les écrits « séthiens ». Je n’en suis pas sûre ; lire par exemple le Traité Tripartite.

[2] Jean-Daniel Dubois, « L’utilisation du grec dans le texte valentinien copte du Traité tripartite », dans Jean-Marc Narbonne et Paul-Hubert Poirier, Gnose et philosophie. Études en hommage à Pierre Hadot, Québec – Paris, 2009, p. 37-38.


The Platonic Heritage

Further Studies in the History of Platonism and Early Christianity

John Dillon, Ashgate Variorum, London: Routledge, 2012


Cet ouvrage constitue un recueil des articles publiés entre 1996 et 2006. Cinq articles ont retenu notre attention plus particulièrement étant donné leur lien plus direct avec la thématique de notre cahier :  Plotinus, Speusippus and the Platonic Parmenides; The social role of the philosopher in Athens in the 2nd century CE: some remarks; Pedantry and pedestrianism? Some reflections on the middle Platonic commentary tradition; Monotheism in the Gnostic tradition; An unknown Platonist on God. Voici la présentation générale de l’ouvrage, faite par l’éditeur : This third collection of articles by John Dillon covers the period 1996-2006, the decade since the appearance of The Great Tradition. Once again, the subjects covered range from Plato himself and the Old Academy, through Philo and Middle Platonism, to the Neoplatonists and beyond. Particular concerns evidenced in the papers are the continuities in the Platonic tradition, and the setting of philosophers in their social and cultural contexts, while at the same time teasing out the philosophical implications of particular texts. Such topics are addressed as atomism in the Old Academy, Philo’s concept of immateriality, Plutarch’s and Julian’s views on theology, and peculiar features of Iamblichus’ exegeses of Plato and Aristotle, but also the broader questions of the social position of the philosopher in second century A.D. society, and the nature of ancient biography.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

The riddle of the Timaeus: is Plato sowing clues?;

Plotinus, Speusippus and the Platonic Parmenides;

The Timaeus in the old Academy;

Philip of Opus and the theology of Plato’s Laws;

Atomism in the old Academy;

Theophrastus’ critique of the old Academy in the Metaphysics;

The pleasures and perils of soul-gardening;

Asômatos: nuances of incorporeality in Philo;

Thrasyllus and the Logos;

Plutarch’s debt to Xenocrates;

Plutarch and the inseparable intellect;

Plutarch and God: theodicy and cosmogony in the thought of Plutarch;

Plutarch’s use of unidentified quotations;

The social role of the philosopher in Athens in the 2nd century CE: some remarks; Pedantry and pedestrianism? Some reflections on the middle Platonic commentary tradition;

Monotheism in the Gnostic tradition;

An unknown Platonist on God;

Holy and not so holy: on the interpretation of late antique biography;

Plotinus on whether the stars are causes;

Iamblichus’ Noera Theoria of Aristotle’s Categories;

Iamblichus’ identifications of the subject-matters of the hypotheses;

Iamblichus on the personal daemon;

The theology of Julian’s Hymn to King Helios;

A case-study in commentary: the neoplatonic exegesis of the Prooimia od Plato’s dialogues;

Damascius on procession and return;

‘The eye of the soul’: the doctrine of the higher consciousness in the neoplatonic and sufic traditions;



Religion and Philosophy in the Platonic and Neoplatonic Traditions

From Antiquity to the Early Medieval Period

Kevin Corrigan, John D. Turner and Peter Wakefield, Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag, 2012


This book explores the intimate connections, conflicts and discontinuities between religion and philosophy in the Platonic and Neoplatonic traditions from Antiquity to the early Medieval period. It presents a broader comparative view of Platonism by examining the strong Platonist resonances among different philosophical/religious traditions, primarily Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Hindu, and suggests many new ways of thinking about the relation between these two fields or disciplines that have in modern times become such distinct and, at times, entirely separate domains.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents


Introduction: Kevin Corrigan, John D. Turner and Peter Wakefield

In Memory of Steven K. Strange

Part I: Religion, Philosophy, Divine Inspiration and Religious Piety in the pre-Platonic and Platonic Traditions

  1. Suzanne Stern-Gillet (University of Bolton, UK): “Divine Inspiration Transformed: From Hesiod to Ficino.”
  2. Kevin Corrigan (Emory University): “Religion and Philosophy in the Platonic tradition.”
  3. John Dillon (Trinity College, Dublin, Emeritus): “The Religion of the last Hellenes.”

Part II: Religion and Philosophy in the Platonic and Neoplatonic Traditions

  1. Steven K. Strange (Emory University): “Plotinus and the Ancients”
  2. Michael Harrington (Duquesne University): « The Emperor Julian’s Use of Neoplatonic Philosophy and Religion.
  3. John Phillips (University of Tennessee): “Proclus and others on Divine Causation”.
  4. John Dillon (Trinity College, Dublin, Emeritus): “Philosophy and Theology in Proclus.”
  5. Gerald Bechtle (University of Bern, Switzerland): “Categories and Conversion.”
  6. Luc Brisson (CNRS, Paris, France): “Allegory as used by the later Neoplatonic philosophers.”

Part III: Comparative Perspectives: Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Hindu

   10 Sarah Pessin (University of Denver): “Divine Presence, Divine Absence and the Plotinian Apophatic Dialectic: Isaac Israeli.”

  1. John D. Turner (University of Nebraska, Lincoln): “The Curious Philosophical World of Later Religious Gnosticism: The Symbiosis of Antique Philosophy and Religion.”
  2. Volker Drecoll (Tübingen University, Germany): “Middle Platonic elements in Augustine’s De Civitate 8.”
  3. Svetla Slaveva-Griffin (Florida State University): « Contemplative Ascent as Dance in Plotinus and Rūmī. »
  4. Deepa Majumdar (Purdue University): “The Enneads of Plotinus and the Bhagavadgītā: Harmony amidst Differences.”
  5. Rkia Elaroui Cornell (Emory University): “The Muslim Diotima? Traces of Plato’s Symposium in Sufi Narratives of Rabi’a al- ‘Adawiyya”
  6. Daniel Regnier (St. Thomas More College): “The Simple Soul: Plotinus and Śaṅkara on Self and Soul as Partless”
  7. Benjamin Gleede (Universität Tübingen): “Endorsing a cliché: On Liberty and Necessity in Christian and Neoplatonist Accounts of Creation”
  8. Suzanne Stern-Gillet (University of Bolton, UK): “Virtues of Selfknowledge: Aristotle, Augustine, and Siger of Brabant”
  9. Bibliography
  10. Contributors
  11. Subject and Name Index


Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Internationale Tagung

Theologische Orakel in der Spätantike

Beschreibung und Organization

Zu den Charakteristika spätantiker Philosophie gehört das Interesse für inspirierte Texte. Dies gilt einerseits für Homer und weitere Dichter, deren poetischen Texten die Autorität göttlicher Inspiration zugeschrieben wurde und die aus der Perspektive eines philosophischen Ansatzes interpretiert wurden, andererseits für explizit theologische oder religiöse Dichtungen wie die Orphischen Hymnen. Weitere Texte wurden als Orakel auf die Götter selbst zurückgeführt und als deren direkte Mitteilung aufgefasst (die sich freilich menschlicher Rede bedient). Häufig befassen sich diese Orakel mit Fragen zum Wesen Gottes oder der Götter und mit dem Wirken der Götter im Kosmos, sodass von theologischen Orakeln gesprochen werden kann. Fünf Sammlungen sind in besonderer Weise einschlägig: die Chaldaeischen Orakel, die philosophia ex oraculis haurienda des Porphyrios, die Tübinger Theosophie, die Apollon-Orakel von Klaros und (zum Teil) die Sibyllinischen Orakel.
Die Gestalt dieser Orakel ist im Einzelnen ganz unterschiedlich; doch ähneln sie zum Teil frappant den Texten der Gnosis, die in hohem Maße durch kühne Metaphorik, überbordende Mythologie und pittoreske Personifikationen abstrakter Entitäten und Sachverhalte geprägt sind. Gemeinsam ist neben der Anspruch überlegenen Wissens; manche Orakel (insbesondere natürlich die sibyllinischen) beziehen sich ähnlich wie die Gnosis auf Jüdisches und Christliches. Grundlegend ist für beide Textgruppen der eigentümliche Bezug auf die platonische Tradition; insofern lassen sich theologische Orakel und Gnosis einem gemeinsamen Diskursfeld zuordnen, das mit einem Ausdruck John Dillons als „platonische Unterwelt“ bezeichnet werden kann; die theologischen Orakel der Spätantike – samt ihrer zeitgenössischen Exegese vor allem durch den Neuplatonismus – bilden somit einen wesentlichen Aspekt des Themas „Philosophie und Gnosis“.


(Text der Veranstalter)


Iamblichus and the Foundations of Late Platonism

Eugene Afonasin, John M. Dillon and John F. Finamore (Editors), Leyde: Brill, 2012


Iamblichus of Chalcis (c. 240-c. 325 C.E.), successor to Plotinus and Porphyry, gave new life to Neoplatonism with his many philosophical and religious refinements. Once regarded as a religio-magical quack, Iamblichus is now seen as a philosophical innovator who harmonized not only Platonic philosophy with religious ritual but also Platonism with the ancient philosophical and religious tradition. Building on recent scholarship on Iamblichean philosophy, the ten papers in this volume explore various aspects of Iamblichus’ oeuvre. These papers help show that Iamblichus re-invented Neoplatonism and made it the major school of philosophy for centuries after his death.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Front Matter – Eugene Afonasin, John Dillonand John F. Finamore

Introduction – Eugene Afonasin, John Dillon and John F. Finamore

The Pythagorean Way of Life in Clement of Alexandria and Iamblichus – Eugene Afonasin

Chapter 18 of the De Communi Mathematica Scientia Translation and Commentary – Luc Brisson

The Letters of Iamblichus: Popular Philosophy in a Neoplatonic Mode – John Dillon

Iamblichus: The Two-Fold Nature of the Soul and the Causes of Human Agency – Daniela P. Taormina

Iamblichus on Mathematical Entities – Claudia Maggi

The Role of Aesthesis in Theurgy – Gregory Shaw

Iamblichus on the Grades of Virtue – John F. Finamore

The Role of Divine Providence, Will and Love in Iamblichus’ Theory of Theurgic Prayer and Religious Invocation – Crystal Addey

Iamblichus’ Exegesis of Parmenides’ Hypotheses and His Doctrine of Divine Henads – Svetlana Mesyats

Iamblichus and Julian’s “Third Demiurge”: A Proposition – Adrien Lecerf

Index – Eugene Afonasin, John Dillon and John F. Finamore


Late Antique Epistemology

Other Ways to Truth

Vassilopoulou, P., Clark, S. (Eds.), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009


Late Antique Epistemology explores the techniques used by late antique philosophers to discuss truth. Non-rational ways to discover truth, or to reform the soul, have usually been thought inferior to the philosophically approved techniques of rational argument, suitable for the less philosophically inclined, for children, savages or the uneducated. Religious rituals, oracles, erotic passion, madness may all have served to waken courage or remind us of realities obscured by everyday concerns. What is unusual in the late antique classical philosophers is that these techniques were reckoned as reliable as reasoned argument, or better still. Late twentieth century commentators have offered psychological explanations of this turn, but only recently had it been accepted that there might also have been philosophical explanations, and that the later antique philosophers were not necessarily deluded.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Introduction – Vassilopoulou, Panayiota

Part 1 – Rituals, Religion and Reality

1. Porphyry and the Debate Over Traditional Religious Practices – Busine, Aude

2. St John in Amelius’ Seminar – Dillon, John

3. Eternal Time and Temporal Expansion: Proclus’ Golden Ratio – Kutash, Emilie F.

4. Having Sex with the One: Erotic Mysticism in Plotinus and the Problem of Metaphor – Mazur, Zeke


Part II – Crossing Boundaries

5. Ibn Ṭufayl and the Wisdom of the East: On Apprehending the Divine – Kukkonen, Taneli

6. Plotinus, Porphyry, and India: A Re-Examination – Lacrosse, Joachim

7. Animation of Statues in Ancient Civilizations and Neoplatonism – Uzdavinys, Algis


Part III – Art and Poetry

8. Platonists and the Teaching of Rhetoric in Late Antiquity – Heath, Maclcom

9. Proclus’ Notion of Poetry – Kuisma, Oiva

10. The Homeric Tradition in Ammonius and Asclepius – Manolea, Christina-Panagiota Manolea


Part IV – Later Influences

11. Nous and Geist: Self-Identity and Methodological Solipsism in Plotinus and Hegel – Rerchman, Robert M.

12. Μεστὰ πάντα σημείων. Plotinus, Leibniz, and Berkeley on Determinism – Bertini, Daniele

13. Proclus Americanus – Bregman, Jay

14. Ecology’s Future Debt to Plotinus and Neoplatonism – Corrigan, Kevin

15. Heathen Martyrs or Romish Idolaters: Socrates and Plato in Eighteenth-Century England – Poster, Carol

Conclusion – Clark, Stephen R. L.

Glossary – Prepared by Crystal Addey

Index of Names

Subject Index
