Annaeus Cornutus

Greek Theology, Fragments, and Testimonia

George Boys-Stones, Atlanta: SBL Press, 2018


Cornutus is not well known among students of ancient philosophy. Yet this first-century Stoic philosopher is a very interesting figure and deserves more attention than he has hitherto received. Boys-Stones’ book does much to counteract this disregard. He prints and translates into English Cornutus’ sole extant work, Greek Theology (Ἐπιδρομὴ τῶν κατὰ τὴν ἑλληνικὴν θεολογίαν παραδεδομένων), and collects and translates all fragments and testimonies of Cornutus, adding succinct footnotes. The forty-page introduction enlightens us about Cornutus’ philosophical profile and explains what makes him distinctive. The book is rounded out by an index of sources, concordances, bibliography, and a general index. Why, then, does Cornutus deserve our attention? One reason is his focus on poetry and language from a philosophical point of view. Stoics had a reputation in antiquity for their interest in studying poetry and language from a (distinctive) philosophical standpoint. Indeed they were often criticized for trying to harmonize the stories of early poets, such as Homer and Hesiod, with Stoic doctrine (Cicero, De nat. deor. I.41, Philodemus, De pietate col. vi, Plutarch, De aud. poet. 31d). Cornutus exemplifies an intriguing variation of this Stoic tendency. Like other Stoics, Cornutus had a deep interest in poetry, as is suggested by his composition of commentaries on Virgil (pp. 182–94), and it is no accident that his students in Rome included the poets Lucan and Persius (see Life of Persius and Persius, Satura 5, Boys-Stones pp. 198–215). Cornutus was in fact renowned as a critic of poetry in late antiquity (Augustine, De Utilitate Credendi 17; F37 Boys-Stones). The evidence suggests that Cornutus’ focus on poetry was part of his broader interest in language. This becomes evident in his treatise on orthography, of which we only have the Latin excerpts of Cassiodorus (collected and translated by Boys-Stones pp. 142-155). Cornutus’ interest in language also motivated his engagement with Aristotle’s Categories—yet another reason for which Cornutus deserves our attention. For, while contemporary Platonists such as Lucius and Nicostratus conceived the Categories as an ontological work, that is, as a work that distinguishes kinds of beings, and contemporary Peripatetics understood it as a work of semantics, that is, a work concerned with words that have meaning, Cornutus instead considered the Categories to be a work of grammar dealing with words as such (περὶ τῶν λέξεων καθὸ λέξεις, Porphyry In Cat. 59.10 Busse), and accused Aristotle of leaving out certain classes of words. This interpretation of the Categories is peculiar to Stoicism. Cornutus was preceded by Athenodorus in criticizing the Categories as a deficient treatment of verbal expressions, in the same way that contemporary Platonists considered it as a deficient work of ontology, but Cornutus went further than Athenodorus in also challenging the coherence of Aristotle’s work. Cornutus’ interpretation has recently been well presented by Griffin, yet now Boys-Stones has collected and translated the relevant evidence (pp. 167–76).

(Table of contents)

Table of contents



Introduction: Cornutus the Philosopher

  1. Preface
  2. The life of Cornutus
  3. Stoicism in the first century AD

3.1. Stoicism as an international movement

3.2. Stoicism as a ‘textual community’

3.3. Stoicism: the intellectual programme

  1. Cornutus’ Philosophical Views

4.1. ‘Dialectic’4.1.1. Logic: Cornutus on Aristotle’s Categories

4.1.2. Rhetoric: the social context for wisdom traditions

4.2 Physics

4.3 Ethics

  1. Conclusion

Titles of works by Cornutus

Notes on Texts and Referencing

The Greek Theology [Survey of the Greek Theological Tradition]


  1. Structure

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Structural markers in the Greek Theology

1.3. The Greek Theology  and Plato’s Timaeus

  1. Cornutus and the tradition of allegorical reading

Text and translation

On Pronunciation or Orthography (surviving extracts)


Text and translation

Fragments and Testimonia


Greek theology

Aristotle’s Categories

Physics and metaphysics


Fame as a critic




Cornutus and Persius

The ancient Life of Persius

Persius, Satire 5

Index of Sources




Early Christian Determinism

A Study of The Ethics of The Tripartite Tractate

Paul Linjamaa, Leiden: Brill, 2018


The aim of this study is to explore the ethics of the Nag Hammadi text, The Tripartite Tractate. This text, the fifth tractate in Nag Hammadi Codex I, has received comparatively little attention, although it is the most detailed Valentinian treaty still extant. By investigating the ethics of The Tripartite Tractate, this study not only illuminates a previously unstudied aspect of this very interesting early Christian text, but also seeks to explore the workings of early Christian determinism. This has previously been presented as “Gnostic”, and then not taken seriously, or been disregarded as an invention of intra-Christian polemics. The present study challenges this conception and presents insights into how early Christian determinism worked, sustaining viable and functioning ethical systems. The ethics of The Tripartite Tractate are approached by connecting practical, lived ethics and the theoretical foundations for ancient ethical discussion. This entails examining the text’s ontology and epistemology, as well as ancient cognitive and behavioral theory. In short, this study aims to answer the question, “how should people behave?”, by first exploring questions regarding how human behavior and actions were thought to have worked in the first place. Part I of the study investigates The Tripartite Tractate’s views on epistemology, ontology and theory of passions, as well as the nature of the human will and cognitive apparatus. It is noted that The Tripartite Tractate outlines a Christian deterministic system that denies free will in humans. The Tripartite Tractate presents an anthropology with three different classes of humans, each person being defined by the composition of their physical and mental make up, a mixture of the three basic substance viable in the cosmic system: matter, psychê and pneuma. This part of the study explores the The Tripartite Tractate’s dependence on, and relation to, Greco-Roman physics and theories of passions and cognition, and how they relate to and legitimize social structures. As a conclusion to Part I, the context of the text’s determinism is discussed and it is suggested that the views that Origen of Alexandria took action against in his work Peri Archon are reflected in The Tripartite Tractate. Part II of the study is devoted to the practical and social implications of the text’s determinism and explores how it would have worked to create and sustain group identity. It is argued that the tripartite anthropology promotes a pedagogical schema that points out different roles and responsibilities humans have in relation to each other. The people termed “pneumatics” are described as ethical experts and are called upon to play the role of teachers in the ideal community, while the people termed “psychics” are described as the helpers and students of the “pneumatics”. The “material” people are outsiders destined to be lost. It is argued that the text utilizes ancient pedagogic language in order to construct the ideal social structure, and the usage of the terms “church” and “school” in the text is analyzed. It is suggested that the most likely social structure referenced by TriTrac would have comprised a group consisting of two parts: intellectually advanced pneumatics in an inner study circle within a second, larger part consisting of psychic everyday Christians, two groups that at times came together to study and celebrate communion and baptism. The everyday Christians are described as driven by honor, and encouraged to prosper in the world for the benefit of the larger community. This is discussed in light of the concept of “honor” and its importance in Roman society. Part II of the study demonstrates the effectiveness of a deterministic anthropology for creating and sustaining a group structure where a viable ethical system was implemented. Part III of the study recapitulates the main arguments, and also explores the context of the text in light of the findings. It is argued that early third-century Alexandria is the most likely original context of the text. The implications of the study are discussed in light of the broader topic of early Christianity. Among other things, it is suggested that the doctrine of free will, which became a cornerstone in later Christianity, developed in the wake of debates with Christians we find represented in The Tripartite Tractate, whose approaches represent a serious alternative to the doctrine of free will.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

List of Abbreviations 
1 The Structure of the Present Study
2 Who Were the Valentinians?
3 The Myth in TriTrac and the Ethics in Storytelling
4 Previous Research on TriTrac and the Historical Setting of the Text
5 Early Christian Ethics and the Bad Reputation of Determinism
6 Notes on Translation and Transcription

Part 1: Theoretical Framework for Ethics

1 The Ontological and Epistemological Foundations for Ethics
1 Knowledge in TriTrac and Ancient Epistemology
2 Phantasms, Likenesses, and Images: the Ontology of TriTrac and the Question of Logos
3 Remembering (and) the Nature of Virtue
4 The Individual and the Collective
5 Mixing and Blending, Truth and Falsehood
6 Conclusion: Ontology, Epistemology and Ethics

2 Emotions, Demons, and Moral Ability
1 Emotions and Cognitive Theory in Ancient Thought
2 Emotions and the Creation Narrative
3 The Logos’ First Movement and Ancient Cognitive Theory
4 Good Emotions
5 Negative Passions as “Mixed” Heavenly Powers and their Influence on Humans
6 Apatheia, Therapeia, and Eleutheria
7 Femaleness and the Sickness of Emotions
8 Conclusion

3 Free Will and the Configuration of the Human Mind
1 Will and Ethics in Ancient Thought
2 Christian Free Will, the Configuration of God, and the Creation of the Cosmos
3 Free Will and Moral Accountability in TriTrac
4 TriTrac’s Anthropology in Context: Origen’s Christian Opponents

Part 2: Ethics in Practice

4 Natural Human Categories and Moral Progress
1 The Three Classes of Humans in TriTrac
2 The Pedagogical Purpose of the Logos’ Organization and the Composition of Humans
3 Three Categories of Humans According to TriTrac’s Epistemology and Theory of Passions
4 Restricted Choice in Practice
5 Fixed, Fluid, or in Flux? The Advantages of a Fixed Anthropology
6 Conclusions

5 School or Church? Teaching, Learning, and the Community Structure
1 On the Community Structure Behind TriTrac in Light of the Term “Church”
2 The Cosmos as a “School” in TriTrac and its Early Christian Context
3 The “School of Conduct” in the Pleroma and the Gaining of Form
4 The Cosmic School: an Imperfect Reflection of the Heavens
5 Silent and Oral Instruction: Formation, Baptism and Education
6 The Duty of the Pneumatic Moral Expert and the Formation of Psychic Christians
7 The Category of the ‘School of Valentinus’ in Early Christian Scholarship
8 Conclusions: the Dual Structure of the Community Behind TriTrac

6 Honor and Attitudes Toward Social and Political Involvement
1 TriTrac and Early Christian Attitudes Toward Involvement in Society
2 Cosmogony as Political Commentary
3 The Pursuit of Honor
4 Psychic Humans and their Political Involvement
5 Conclusion: the Character of Psychic Christians and Attitudes Toward Social and Ecclesiastical Involvement

Part 3: Conclusions and Implications

7 Summary: the Nature of Early Christian Determinism
1 TriTrac’s Alexandrian Context

Appendix: Implications and Suggestions for Further Studies
Ancient Authors and Texts
Secondary Literature


Processo a Socrate

Mauro Bonazzi, Bari: Laterza, 2018


399 a.C.: la città di Atene condanna a morte uno dei suoi figli più autorevoli, Socrate. Cosa è successo davvero nei mesi in cui si è svolta la vicenda giudiziaria? Si ripete spesso che si trattò di un processo politico mascherato, per colpire le simpatie oligarchiche dell’anziano filosofo. Ma forse il vero oggetto del contendere in questa vicenda fu proprio il pensiero di Socrate. Fino a che punto una comunità – ieri come oggi – può tollerare che i principi e i valori su cui si fonda siano messi radicalmente in discussione? E davvero le ragioni della filosofia e quelle della città non sono compatibili? Una lettura originale di uno dei più celebri processi della storia.

(Testo della casa editrice)


  1. In tribunale

Un processo celebre, e un altro processo celebre – La «questione socratica» – Il sistema dei tribunali

Intermezzo 1: Atene, una democrazia turbolenta

  1. L’oligarca

L’elefante – Anni difficili – Gli oligarchi intelligenti – Altri processi – Tutti pazzi per Sparta – Un processo senza (troppa) politica?

Intermezzo 2: Che cosa ha detto veramente Socrate: Platone e Senofonte a confronto

  1. L’empio

Introduzione – L’accusa di empietà – Filosofi e teologi – Il teologo empio

  1. Il cattivo maestro

Introduzione – Il discorso sul metodo – Cani, lupi, torpedini: un bestiario filosofico – Socrate e Alcibiade – Il maestro ignorante

Intermezzo 3: Topografia socratica

  1. La difesa e la morte di un uomo giusto

Voleva morire: su quello che Socrate avrebbe detto al processo – Il carcere – La cicuta – Il gallo




Plotinus on Consciousness

D.M. Hutchinson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018


Plotinus is the first Greek philosopher to hold a systematic theory of consciousness. The key feature of his theory is that it involves multiple layers of experience: different layers of consciousness occur in different levels of self. This layering of higher modes of consciousness on lower ones provides human beings with a rich experiential world, and enables human beings to draw on their own experience to investigate their true self and the nature of reality. This involves a robust notion of subjectivity. However, it is a notion of subjectivity that is unique to Plotinus, and remarkably different from the Post-Cartesian tradition. Behind the plurality of terms Plotinus uses to express consciousness, and behind the plurality of entities to which Plotinus attributes consciousness (such as the divine souls and the hypostases), lies a theory of human consciousness. It is a Platonist theory shaped by engagement with rival schools of ancient thought. Argues that the concept of consciousness existed in the ancient world and can be disentangled from Descartes and the Post-Cartesian tradition; Proposes a new interpretation of Plotinus’ philosophy of mind; Examines Plotinus’ theory of consciousness in dialogue with Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents


Notes on the Text


Chapter 1 – Self

Chapter 2 – Conciousness Terms

Chapter 3 – First Layer :  the soul-trace

Chapter 4 – Second Layer :  the lower soul

Chapter 5 – Third Layer : the higher soul

Chapter 6 – Self-Determination

Chapter 7 – Conclusion



General Index

Index Locorum


Philosophic Silence and the ‘One’ in Plotinus

Nicholas Banner, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018


Plotinus, the greatest philosopher of Late Antiquity, discusses at length a first principle of reality – the One – which, he tells us, cannot be expressed in words or grasped in thought. How and why, then, does Plotinus write about it at all? This book explores this act of writing the unwritable. Seeking to explain what seems to be an insoluble paradox in the very practice of late Platonist writing, it examines not only the philosophical concerns involved, but the cultural and rhetorical aspects of the question. The discussion outlines an ancient practice of ‛philosophical silence’ which determined the themes and tropes of public secrecy appropriate to Late Platonist philosophy. Through philosophic silence, public secrecy and silence flow into one another, and the unsaid space of the text becomes an initiatory secret. Understanding this mode of discourse allows us to resolve many apparent contradictions in Plotinus’ thought.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Introduction pp 1-16

PART I – The Cultural Roots of Platonist Philosophic Silence pp 17-18

1 – De philosophorum Græcorum silentio mystico: Preliminaries pp 19-40

2 – The Silent Philosopher pp 41-85

3 – Perennial Wisdom and Platonist Tradition pp 86-124

4 – Plotinus and ‘The Ancients’: Tradition, Truth and Transcendence pp 125-144

PART II – The Transcendent Absolute, the Ineffable and Plotinian Poetics of Transcendence pp 145-146

5 – The Development of the Transcendent Absolute in the Middle Platonist Milieu pp 147-175

6 – The Transcendent Absolute and the Ineffability of Reality in Plotinus pp 176-210

7 – The Poetics of Transcendence in Plotinus pp 211-240

Conclusion pp 241-250

Appendices pp 251-252

Appendix A – The Plotinian Idea of Tradition and ‘Platonism’ pp 253-256

Appendix B – Esoteric Hermeneutics, Plato and Aristotle in Plotinus pp 257-260

Appendix C – Some Useful Notes on Plotinian Metaphysics pp 261-265

Appendix D – Modern Theories of Philosophic Silence pp 266-273

Select Primary Bibliography pp 274-275

Secondary Bibliography pp 276-295

Index pp 296-299



Christianizing Egypt

Syncretism and local worlds in late antiquity

David Frankfurter, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2017


How does a culture become Christian, especially one that is heir to such ancient traditions and spectacular monuments as Egypt? This book offers a new model for envisioning the process of Christianization by looking at the construction of Christianity in the various social and creative worlds active in Egyptian culture during late antiquity. As David Frankfurter shows, members of these different social and creative worlds came to create different forms of Christianity according to their specific interests, their traditional idioms, and their sense of what the religion could offer. Reintroducing the term “syncretism” for the inevitable and continuous process by which a religion is acculturated, the book addresses the various formations of Egyptian Christianity that developed in the domestic sphere, the worlds of holy men and saints’ shrines, the work of craftsmen and artisans, the culture of monastic scribes, and the reimagination of the landscape itself, through processions, architecture, and the potent remains of the past. Drawing on sermons and magical texts, saints’ lives and figurines, letters and amulets, and comparisons with Christianization elsewhere in the Roman empire and beyond, Christianizing Egypt reconceives religious change—from the “conversion” of hearts and minds to the selective incorporation and application of strategies for protection, authority, and efficacy, and for imagining the environment.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

List of Illustrations




CHAPTER 1 – Remodeling the Christianization of Egypt

CHAPTER 2 – Domestic Devotion and Religious Change TRADITIONS OF THE DOMESTIC SPHERE


CHAPTER 4 – A Site of Blessings, Dreams, and Wonders TRADITIONS OF THE SAINT’S SHRINE









The Nag Hammadi Codices and Late Antique Egypt

 Lance Jenott (Editor),‎ Hugo Lundhaug (Editor), Heidelberg: Mohr Siebeck, 2018


This volume showcases the new trend in scholarship to treat the Nag Hammadi Codices as sources for Christianity and monasticism in late antique Egypt rather than for Gnosticism. The essays situate the Nag Hammadi Codices and their texts in the context of late antique Egypt, treating such topics as Coptic readers and readings, the difficulty of dating early Greek and Coptic manuscripts, scribal practices, the importance of heavenly ascent, asceticism, and instruction in Egyptian monastic culture, the relationship of the texts to the Origenist controversy and Manichaeism, the continuity of mythical traditions in later Coptic literature, and issues relating to the codices’ production and burial. Most of the essays were originally presented at the conference “The Nag Hammadi Codices in the Context of Fourth- and Fifth-Century Christianity in Egypt,” organized by the ERC-financed project New Contexts for Old Texts: Unorthodox Texts and Monastic Manuscript Culture in Fourth- and Fifth-Century Egypt (NEWCONT), at the University of Oslo in December 2013.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Hugo Lundhaug and Lance Jenott – Introduction

Christian Askeland – Dating early Greek and Coptic literary hands

Christian Bull – Hermes Between Pagans and Christians in Fourth Century Egypt: The Literary and Historical Contexts of the Nag Hammadi Hermetica

Dylan Burns – Sethian, Coptic, Christian: Eleleth and the “Four Luminaries” in Roman and postConquest Egypt

Julio Cesar Dias Chaves – From the Apocalypse of Paul (NH V, 2) to Coptic Epic Passions: Welcoming and Greeting Paul and the Martyrs in Heaven

Jon Dechow – The Nag Hammadi Milieu: An Assessment in the Light of the Origenist Controversies (with Appendix 2015)

Stephen Emmel – Toward (Re-)Constructing a Coptic Reading Experience in Late Antique Egypt

René Falkenberg – What has Nag Hammadi to do with Medinet Madi? Literary connections between Eugnostos and Manichaeism

James E. Goehring – The Material Encoding of Early Christian Division: Nag Hammadi Codex VII and the Ascetic Milieu in Upper Egypt

Lillian Larsen – Slippery Sources: The Sentences of Sextus as Sayings and Stories (and Schooltexts)

Hugo Lundhaug – The Relationship Between the Nag Hammadi Codices and the Dishna Papers

Louis Painchaud – The Production and Destination of the Nag Hammadi Codices

Philip Sellew – Reading Jesus in the Desert: The Gospel of Thomas Meets the Apophthegmata Patrum

Blossom Stefaniw – Hegemony and Homecoming in the Ascetic Imagination: Sextus, Silvanus, and Monastic Instruction in Egypt

Ulla Tervahauta – Scriptural allusions and reminiscences in Authentikos Logos (NHC VI,)

Paula Tutty – Books of the Dead or Books with the Dead: Interpreting Book Depositions in Late Antique Egypt

Michael A. Williams and David Coblentz – A Reexamination of the Articulation Marks in Nag Hammadi Codices II and XIII


Julien l’Empereur

Contre les Galiléens

Angelo Giavatto et Robert Muller (trad), Paris: Vrin, 2018


Élevé dans la religion chrétienne avant de devenir l’adversaire du christianisme, tout à la fois homme d’étude et chef de guerre, philosophe et empereur, Julien dit l’Apostat est un personnage singulier. Honni pendant des siècles comme traître à la vraie foi, il devient peu à peu, à partir du XVIe siècle, une figure exemplaire de la liberté et de la tolérance pour une partie des écrivains européens. Il est l’auteur d’une œuvre variée, où alternent écrits politiques, philosophiques et polémiques, ainsi que d’une importante correspondance. Son œuvre subsiste en quasi-totalité et est facilement accessible, à l’exception du Contre les Galiléens. Cet écrit de combat dans lequel Julien avait rassemblé ses griefs contre la religion chrétienne a en effet disparu, mais il a été partiellement conservé par les citations qu’en ont faites ses adversaires chrétiens dans leur tentative de le réfuter. C’est à partir de ces répliques qu’on tente depuis le XVIIIe siècle de restituer l’ouvrage original. La dernière de ces « restaurations » permet aujourd’hui d’accéder au Contre les Galiléens dans de meilleures conditions et, en comblant une lacune de l’édition, de mettre à la disposition du lecteur ce témoignage historique d’un christianisme contesté.

(Texte de la maison d’édition)

Table de matières

List des Œuvres de Julien


Note sur le texte et la Traduction

Plan du Recueil


Contre les Galiléens

Texte et traduction


Annexe I

Annexe II


Index des Noms

Index des Lieux

Table des Matières


La Prière dans la tradition platonicienne, de Platon à Proclus

A. Timotin, Turnhout: Brepolis, 2018
Le présent ouvrage étudie la prière comme catégorie de la pensée religieuse platonicienne, de Platon à la fin de l’Antiquité. The present book studies prayer as a category of Platonic religious thought, from Plato to Late Antiquity. Following a chronological framework (Plato, the pseudo-Platonic Second Alcibiades, Maximus of Tyre, Plotinus, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Proclus), the book examines the relationship between philosophical reflection on prayer and a series of themes and related topics: the criticism and the interpretation of traditional cults, the conceptualization of religious emotions, the philosophical explanation of how astrology and magic work, the theories of the soul, and the theological description of reality in Late Neoplatonism. The book aims to contribute to shed new light on the relationship between religion and philosophy in Antiquity and, in particular, on the forms of “scientific” religion that appear and develop in the philosophical schools in Late Antiquity. Special attention is paid to the relationship between philosophy, religion, and rhetoric. The rhetorical dimension of prayer is explored in relation to the role of persuasion and emotion in prayer and to the idea that exegetical commentary represents a hymn in prose addressed to the gods. Le présent ouvrage a pour objet la prière comme catégorie de la pensée religieuse platonicienne, de Platon à la fin de l’Antiquité. En suivant un plan chronologique (Platon, le Second Alcibiade pseudo-platonicien, Maxime de Tyr, Plotin, Porphyre, Jamblique, Proclus), il étudie la relation entre la réflexion philosophique sur la prière et une série de thèmes et de questions connexes : la critique et l’interprétation des cultes traditionnels, la conceptualisation des émotions religieuses, l’explication philosophique du fonctionnement de l’astrologie et de la magie, les théories de l’âme et la description théologique du réel dans le néoplatonisme tardif. Cette recherche souhaite contribuer à jeter un éclairage nouveau sur les rapports entre religion et philosophie dans l’Antiquité et, en particulier, sur les formes « scientifiques » de religion qui apparaissent et se développent dans les écoles philosophiques à la fin de l’Antiquité. Une attention particulière est prêtée à la relation entre philosophie, religion et rhétorique. La dimension rhétorique de la prière est explorée en relation avec le rôle de la persuasion et de l’affectivité dans la prière et avec la conception selon laquelle le commentaire exégétique représente un hymne en prose adressé aux dieux.

(Texte de la maison d’édition)

Table de matières

I. Introduction

II. Platon. Prières des impies, prières des sages

  1. Prier selon la loi
  2. Les prières platoniciennes et la tradition religieuse

III. Le Second Alcibiade. À la recherche de la prière idéale

  1. Le Second Alcibiade et la pensée religieuse à l’époque hellénistique
  2. La prière de l’ἄφρων : demander un mal au lieu d’un bien
  3. La prière pour les ἐσθλά du poète anonyme
  4. La prière des Athéniens et la prière des Spartiates

IV. Maxime de Tyr. Prière traditionnelle et prière du philosophe

  1. La critique de la prière traditionnelle
  2. La définition d’une « prière du philosophe »

V. Plotin. Prière « magique » et prière du νοῦς

  1. Prière, providence et responsabilité individuelle
  2. Les prières peuvent-elles contraindre les astres?
  3. Prier et attendre Dieu

VI. Porphyre. Hiérarchie des êtres divins, hiérarchie des prières

  1. La défense de la prière dans le Commentaire sur le Timée
  2. La Lettre à Anébon : prier n’est ni contraindre, ni pâtir
  3. La place de la prière dans la théorie du sacrifice
  4. Prière du sage, prière des théurges

VII. Jamblique. La prière théurgique

  1. Les réponses de Jamblique aux objections de Porphyre
  2. La théorie de la prière de Jamblique
  3. La prière finale de la Réponse à Porphyre (De mysteriis)

VIII. Proclus. La prière cosmique

  1. L’οὐσία de la prière
  2. La τελειότης de la prière
  3. Les causes et les modes de la prière
  4. La pratique de la prière

IX. Conclusions

1. Sources
2. Littérature secondaire
Index locorum
Index rerum
Index verborum



Maarten J. Vermaseren, Torino: Ester Editore, 2018 


Le Edizioni Ester hanno pubblicato la traduzione italiana di un classico della letteratura storico-religiosa, il Mithra di Maarten Jozef Vermaseren, una grande opera di sintesi dedicata al più famoso dio indo-iranico, la cui fama misterica spopolò nel tardo ellenismo. Nell’esodo persiano seguito alla dissoluzione dell’impero achemenide a causa dell’impresa di Alessandro Magno, il culto dell’iranico Mithra, trapiantato in Asia Minore, assunse i lineamenti di una religione misterica, una religione di salvezza che prometteva un destino migliore nell’altra vita, dando all’uomo la speranza di poter ascendere, dopo la morte, attraverso le sfere celesti. Una devozione misterica, che tra il I ed il III sec. d.C. si diffuse capillarmente nell’impero romano. Quale propaggine occidentale di un arcaico culto indo-iranico, il mithraismo subì una trasformazione formale, smarrendo l’originaria fisionomia per assumere i modi e gli stili tipici dell’ellenismo. Il libro è arricchito da un lungo e prezioso saggio introduttivo del prof. Giancarlo Mantovani – che dello stesso Vermaseren fu discepolo – nel quale l’opera del maestro è aggiornata con approfondimenti riguardanti le origini e gli sviluppi del culto di Mithra. La fisionomia misterica del dio è infatti definita in relazione ai culti e dottrine che contribuirono alla sua diffusione (orfismo, ermetismo, gnosticismo, teurgia) da Oriente a Occidente.
Le origini del culto mithraico si ritrovano nei Veda induisti (Mitra) e nei testi dell’antica religione iranica, lo zoroastrismo (Mithra), in particolare nel decimo Yaštdell’Avesta cosiddetto recenziore (seconda metà del V sec. a.C.). Nella religiosità iranica Mithra è il dio dei contratti, e in quanto tale, si accerta che i contratti vengano rispettati, mappando il territorio e punendo chi non li rispetta. Tali caratteri sono affini a quelli del dio Varuṇa, col quale in India Mithra fa coppia (Mitravaruna). Questi tratti di Mithra appartengono alla tradizione vedica più antica. Di conseguenza Mithra, aggirandosi attorno alla terra per sorvegliare gli impegni contrattuali, si trasforma in un dio celeste e quindi in un dio solare. Inoltre, la missione di punire gli inadempienti lo muta in un dio giustiziere e guerriero; mentre la funzione condivisa con Varuṇa di apportatore di pioggia, lo trasforma in un dio creatore di vita, e quindi in un demiurgo. I tratti fondamentali che lo renderanno famoso come dio misterico. In Iran, nei rilievi sasanidi di Tāq-i Bustān (IV d.C.) Mithra è nimbato da un’aureola di raggi solari, col berretto frigio ricoperto di stelle, e i suoi piedi poggiano su di un fiore di loto, simbolo del Sole e della vita. E benché questo motivo iconografico sia caratteristico più dell’arte egizia e di quella indiana che di quella iranica, il suo significato legato al rinnovamento e alla cosmogonia sembra abbastanza chiaro. Il Mithra che conosciamo dai Misteri è un dio che sgozza un toro, la cosiddetta tauroctonia, un atto molto violento spiegabile secondo il mito vedico del sacrificio della vacca primordiale. Mitra lega la vacca per i piedi, poi, anche se riluttante, la uccide insieme agli altri dèi. La stessa riluttanza fa sì che nell’iconografia dei Misteri il dio distolga lo sguardo mentre il suo pugnale fende la gola del toro. Qualcosa di simile si poteva vedere nella rappresentazione del sacrificio di Ifigenia attribuita a Timante, dove Agamennone, per non assistere all’uccisione della figlia, di cui era cosciente, si copriva il capo. Il soma in India – l’haoma in Iran – è, insieme, il latte della vacca primordiale e il liquido seminale del toro primordiale, in quanto entrambi lo hanno assimilato mangiando la pianta. Così il sacrificio si conferma come un atto cosmogonico, tanto più che il toro è assimilabile alla Luna, astro fecondante. Nella parte finale del Bundahišn iranico (cap. 34 [Anklesaria, p. 226, 3-6]) assistiamo a un episodio simile, il sacrificio del toro Hatāyōš da parte del Sōšyans, il Nama Sebesio dei Misteri. L’haoma (> medio-persiano hōm) – il cui corrispondente indico è il soma, materia del sacrificio vedico – non è solo una pianta misteriosa dalle virtù palingenetiche, ma anche una divinità, uno yazata celeste al quale è dedicato l’omonimo Yašt. Nel tempo molti studiosi o semplici appassionati hanno identificato la mitica pianta con svariati tipi di piante psicoattive e non, tra cui l’Amanita muscaria e il Peganum harmala, oggetto di due famosi e discussi libri. L’haoma nel quadro cosmologico zoroastriano è il cibo escatologico preparato dall’ultimo «Redentore futuro», l’ultimo Saošyant- (> medio-persiano Sōšyans), la libagione perenne che fa risorgere i morti e rende immortali i viventi. Sempre da un’area di influenza iranica, l’Armenia, deriva un racconto epico su di un personaggio, anche linguisticamente, affine a Mithra, cioè Mher, un eroe gigantesco che, dopo aver combattuto tutti i nemici si trova a combattere anche contro il proprio padre. Maledetto dai genitori, si reca sulla loro tomba per implorare perdono e consiglio. Essi lo invitano a dirigersi verso una roccia nella pianura di Van. Lì giunto a cavallo, colpisce con la freccia un corvo, costringendolo a rivelargli l’entrata. La roccia si apre, e all’interno vi trova due fiaccole eternamente accese (i dadofori dei Misteri). Il racconto prosegue dicendo che l’eroe esce dalla grotta solo una volta l’anno, la notte dell’Ascensione, per cibarsi della manna che cade dal cielo, che nutrirà lui e il suo cavallo per l’intero anno. La missione di Mehr è quella di sorvegliare ininterrottamente la sfera del destino, roteante all’interno della grotta. Quando essa cesserà di girare, Mher uscirà dalla roccia per distruggere il mondo. Parecchi elementi – difficile da confutare – appartengono alla mitologia del Mithra dei Misteri. È credo diffuso che Mithra giunse a Roma assieme ai pirati cilici fatti prigionieri. Alcuni di essi, a quanto pare, diventarono coloni, integrandosi perfettamente col resto della popolazione romana e ciò dovette contribuire notevolmente alla diffusione del nuovo culto. D’altra parte la nuova religione non poteva essere accettata a Roma prima di subire nuove trasformazioni e integrazioni. Dal momento che Plutarco (Pompeo, 24) parla esplicitamente di teletai = «misteri» a proposito delle cerimonie mithriache dei pirati cilici, si può dedurre che il mithraismo arrivò a Roma già sotto questa forma. Ma non si può escludere che Plutarco reinterpreti e retrodati il mithraismo dei pirati. Esiste infine l’enigma dei legami tra il mithraismo e gli Oracoli caldaici, sorta di Bibbia magica dei neoplatonici di cui ha parlato il Muscolino nel citato libro sulla teurgia. Secondo Giorgio Gemisto Pletone, cui si deve l’unica testimonianza in questo senso, gli autori degli Oracoli avrebbero adottato Mithra collocandolo al posto del secondo intelletto. Giorgio Gemisto (1355 ca.-1452) cultore di Platone al punto di voler assumere il nome di Pletone, che ricorda quello dell’antico filosofo, è una figura ancora oggi persa nelle nebbie del mito; egli ascriveva agli Oracoli una grande autorità, attribuendone la composizione al profeta della più antica religione iranica, Zoroastro (Zarathuštra), e interpretandoli come fondamento di una filosofia e di una religione future, universali, che sostituiranno ogni altra fede nell’ecumene.

(Testo della casa editrice)
