The passionate intellect 

Essays on the transformation of classical traditions,

presented to Professor I.G. Kidd 

Ayres, Lewis., Kidd, I. G., London: Transaction publishing, 1995


Ian Kidd, of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, has long been known as a world-class scholar of ancient philosophy and of Posidonius, in particular. Through his long struggle with the fragments of Posidonius, Kidd has done more than any other scholar of ancient philosophy to dispel the myth of « Pan-Posidonianism. » He has presented a clearer picture of the Posidonius to whom we may have access. The bulk of this volume is built around the theme of Kidd’s own inaugural lecture at St. Andrews, « The Passionate Intellect. » Many of the contributions follow this theme through by examining how individual people and texts influenced the direction of various traditions. Many of the papers naturally concentrate on ancient philosophy and its legacy. Others deal with ancient literary theory, history, poetry, and drama. Most of the papers deal with their subjects at some length and are significant contributions in their own right.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Bibliography of I.G. Kidd

Greeks and the Passionate Intellect – Ian Kidd

  1. Poetic Rhythms in the Myth of the Soul – Kenneth J. Dover
  2. Plato, Imagination and Romanticism – S. Halliwell
  3. Tradition and Innovation in the Transformation of Socrates’ Divine Sign – Mark Joyal
  4. [actual symbol not reproducible] in Plato’s Cratylus – David B. Robinson
  5. Counting Plato’s Principles – R. W. Sharples
  6. Pindar and the Victory Ode – Chris Carey
  7. Euripides: Ion and Phoenissae – Elizabeth M. Craik
  8. Roman Mind and the Power of Fiction – J. S. Richardson
  9. Did Thucydides Write for Readers or Hearers? – Shigetake Yaginuma
  10. Aenesidemus versus Pyrrho: Il fuoco scalda « per natura » (Sextus M. VIII 215 e XI 69) – Fernanda Decleva Caizzi
  11. Theophrastus, no. 84 FHS&G: There’s Nothing New Here! – William W. Fortenbaugh
  12. Alexandria, Syene, Meroe: Symmetry in Eratosthenes’ Measurement of the World – A. S. Gratwick
  13. Seneca’s Natural Questions – Changing Readerships – Harry M. Hine
  14. Crates of Mallos, Dionysius Thrax and the Tradition of Stoic Grammatical Theory – Richard Janko
  15. Aenesidemus and the Academics – Jaap Mansfeld
  16. Pathology of Ps.-Hippocrates, On Ancient Medicine – Robin Waterfield
  17. Discipline of Self-knowledge in Augustine’s De trinitate Book X – Lewis Ayres
  18. Melanchthon’s First Manual on Rhetorical Categories in Criticism of the Bible – C. J. Classen
  19. « A Kind of Warmth »: Some Reflections on the Concept of « Grace » in the Neoplatonic Tradition – John Dillon
  20. Ausonius at Prayer – R. P. H. Green
  21. Philosophy of the Codification of Law in Fifth Century Constantinople and Victorian Edinburgh – Jill Harries
