Laval University

Bibliothèque Copte de Nag Hammadi

Description and organization

Home to the project governing the Francophone edition, translation, and publication of the codices. Many of the French translations are more recent and up-to-date with scholarship than those found in the NHLE, and so are worth consulting even by Anglophone scholars.

(Text by the organizers)


The Gnosis Archive

The Gnostic Society Library


Description and organization

The Gnostic Society Library (a section of The Gnosis Archive), contains a vast collection of primary documents relating to the Gnostic tradition as well as a selection of in-depth audio lectures and brief archive notes designed to orient study of the documents, their sources, and the religious tradition they represent.  (See theOverview of the Library Collection, below.)

The library includes over a thousand documents (four gigabytes of material) related to the Gnostic tradition, including all major Gnostic writings and anti-Gnostic patristic texts.  Using the Archive Search function, students and researches can easily find just about any anything relating to the Gnostic tradition.

Lectures provided in the library are from the audio archives of The Gnostic Society in Los Angeles and BC Recordings; they are presented in MP3 format or an older RealAudio format and run about 75 minutes in length. As you visit the library, set aside time to listen to a lecture. Remember to also visit the Gnostic Society Bookstore for a collection of the best current works on Gnosis and Gnosticism.

Recently updated in the Library:

The Nag Hammadi Library collection received a major update in May 2015. Several prominent scholars have contributed editions of their authoritative translations to our library collection. Over twenty of these new translations have now been added to the online collection. We are especially grateful for the assistance and contributions of Dr. Willis Barnstone, Dr. John Turner, Dr. Stevan Davies, and the late Dr. Marvin Meyer. This resource in the Gnostic Society library receives a few million unique visits each year and is referenced by many academic courses which survey the Gnostic tradition, as well as by readers from all over the world.

(Text by the organizers)


European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism

L’Esotérisme dans l’Antiquité

Description et organisation

Un nouveau site web est en ligne pour tout ceux qui s’intéressent aux doctrines philosophico-religieuses qui nonobstant soient souvent considérées comme marginales dans l’histoire de la philosophie platonicienne de l’Antiquité tardive, ont joué un rôle très important dans celle-ci.

Voici les infos données dans l’onglet « About » : « Ancient is the website for the Network for the Study of Ancient Esotericism (NSEA), a thematic network associated with the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE). NSEA specializes in the study of esoteric phenomena of the ancient period and provides contact for specialists of ancient esoteric thought, history, and literature.

This website is intended as a resource for scholars and students. While the ancient sources (Gnostic, theurgic, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, etc.) of Western Esotericism possess enormous importance for the development of esoteric currents from the fourteenth century onwards, there remains only a minimum of interaction between the antiquity experts and their (proto)-modern colleagues. The Network therefore is intended to:

1) introduce scholarship on ancient esotericism to students of Western Esotericism,

2) serve as a forum in which to exchange ideas, notes and references, etc. outside of other professional bodies which are not concerned with esotericism per se,

3) to coordinate study and workshops with other working groups on the subject, such as the Society of Biblical Literature’s Section on Esotericism and Mysticism in Antiquity, and

4) (and most importantly) to provide a junction of the many resources online that can serve as aids in the study of this fascinating and difficult material (dictionaries, textual corpora, blogs, etc.) ».

Voici les onglets thématiques du site :


Nouveau site brésilien des travaux en philosophie antique

Il est désormais disponible en ligne le PhilBrasil.

Il s’agit d’un répertoire bibliographique des travaux en philosophie inspiré du PhilPapers. Son principal objectif est de répertorier la philosophie brésilienne ainsi que les travaux sur l’histoire de la philosophie produite par des philosophes brésiliens et des travaux traduits en langue portugaise. Il est possible de faire une recherche par auteur, mot-clé, titre de l’article ou de la revue.

Plusieurs travaux sont déjà répertoriés dans la rubrique « Historia da Filosofia », onglet « Filosofia Antiga » : antiga.

(Texte des organisateurs)