Religious Competition in the Third Century CE:

Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman World

Nathaniel DesRosiers,‎ Jordan D Rosenblum,‎ Lily Vuong, (eds), Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Supplement edition, 2013


The essays in this work examine issues related to authority, identity, or change in religious and philosophical traditions of the third century CE. This century is of particular interest because of the political and cultural developments and conflicts that occurred during this period, which in turn drastically changed the social and religious landscape of the Roman world. The specific focus of this volume edited by Jordan D. Rosenblum, Lily Vuong, and Nathaniel DesRosiers is to explore these major creative movements and to examine their strategies for developing and designating orthodoxies and orthopraxies. Contributors were encouraged to analyze or construct the intersections between parallel religious and philosophical communities of the third century, including points of contact either between or among Jews, Christians, pagans, and philosophers. As a result, the discussions of the material contained within this volume are both comparative in nature and interdisciplinary in approach, engaging participants who work in the fields of Religious Studies, Philosophy, History and Archaeology. The overall goal was to explore dialogues between individuals or groups that illuminate the mutual competition and influence that was extant among them, and to put forth a general methodological framework for the study of these ancient dialogues. These religious and philosophical dialogues are not only of great interest and import in their own right, but they also can help us to understand how later cultural and religious developments unfolded.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of content



I: Assessing Religious Competition in the Third Century : Methods and Approaches

Daniel C. Ullucci – What Did He Say ? The Ideas of Religious Experts and the 99 %

Heidi Marx-Wolf – Pythagoras the Theurgist Porphyry and Iamblichus on the Role of Ritual in the Philosophical Life

Arthur P. Urbano – Narratives of Decline and Renewal in the Writing of Philosophical History

Steven J. Larson – The Trouble with Religious Tolerance in Roman Antiquity

Kevin M. McGinnis – Sanctifying Interpretation The Christian Interpreter as Priest in Origen

Andrew B. McGowan – Rehashing the Leftovers of Idols Cyprian and Early Christian Constructions of Sacrifice

II: Ritual Space and Practice

Gregg E. Gardner – Competitive Giving in the Third Century CE Early Rabbinic Approaches to Greco-Roman Civic Benefaction

Nathaniel P. DesRosiers – Oath and Anti-Oath Alternating Forms of Community Building in the Third Century

Jordan D. Rosenblum and Daniel C. Ullucci – Qualifying Rabbinic Ritual Agents Cognitive Science and the Early Rabbinic Kitchen

Lily C. Vuong – The Temple Persists Collective Memories of the Jewish Temple in Christian Narrative Imagination

Jacob A. Latham – Battling Bishops, the Roman Aristocracy, and the Contestation of Civic Space in Late Antique Rome

III: Modes of Competition

Karen B. Stern – Inscription as Religious Competition in Third-Century Syria

Gil P. Klein – Spatial Struggle Intercity Relations and the Topography of Intra-Rabbinic Competition

Ari Finkelstein – The Use of Jews in Julian’s Program “Dying for the Law” in the Letter to Theodorus – A Case Study

Todd S. Berzon – Heresiology as Ethnography Theorising Christian Difference

Todd C. Krulak – The Damascian Dichotomy Contention and Concord in the History of Late Platonism

Ross S. Kraemer – Gendering (the) Competition Religious Competition in the Third Century : Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman World

List of Abbreviations

Collected Bibliography

List of Contributors



Practicing Gnosis

Ritual, Magic, Theurgy and Liturgy in Nag Hammadi,

Manichaean and Other Ancient Literature.

Essays in Honor of Birger A. Pearson

April D. DeConick, Gregory Shaw and John D. Turner, Leiden: Brill, 2013


Ritual, magic, liturgy, and theurgy were central features of Gnosticism, and yet Gnostic practices remain understudied. This anthology is meant to fill in this gap and address more fully what the ancient Gnostics were doing. While previously we have studied the Gnostics as intellectuals in pursuit of metaphysical knowledge, the essays in this book attempt to understand the Gnostics as ecstatics striving after religious experience, as prophets seeking revelation, as mystics questing after the ultimate God, as healers attempting to care for the sick and diseased. These essays demonstrate that the Gnostics were not necessarily trendy intellectuals seeking epistomological certainities. They were after religious experiences that relied on practices. The book is organized comparatively in a history-of-religions approach with sections devoted to Initiatory, Recurrent, Therapeutic, Ecstatic, and Philosophic Practices. This book celebrates the brilliant career of Birger A. Pearson.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Front Matter


For Birger Pearson: A Scholar Who Both Studies and Embodies Syncretism

Religionsgeschichtliche Schule, Religionswissenschaft, Piano, Oboe and Bourbon

Birger Pearson: Scholar, Professor and Mentor

Birger Albert Pearson A Bibliography

The Road for the Soul Is through the Planets: The Mysteries of the Ophians Mapped

Ecstatic Religion in the Roman Cult of Mithras

The Gospel of Philip as Gnostic Initiatory Discourse

Becoming Invisible: Rending the Veil and the Hermeneutic of Secrecy in the Gospel of Philip

Ritual in the Second Book of Jeu

Death on the Nile: Egyptian Codices, Gnosticism, and Early Christian Books of the Dead

Going to Church with the Valentinians

Practicing “Repentance” on the Path to Gnosis in Exegesis on the Soul

Opening the Way of Writing: Semiotic Metaphysics in the Book of Thoth

“I Worship and Glorify”: Manichaean Liturgy and Piety in Kellis’ Prayer of the Emanations

The Manichaean Weekly Confession Ritual

Ritual Ingenuity in the Mandaean Scroll of Exalted Kingship

Natural, Magical, Scientific or Religious? A Guide to Theories of Healing

Astrological Medicine in Gnostic Traditions

The Persistence of Ritual in the Magical Book of Mary and the Angels: P. Heid. Inv. Kopt. 685

Image and Word: Performative Ritual and Material Culture in the Aramaic Incantation Bowls

From Baptismal Vision to Mystical Union with the One: The Case of the Sethian Gnostics

Marcosian Rituals for Prophecy and Apolytrosis

Ritual in the Hekhalot Literature

The Platonizing Sethian Gnostic Interpretation of Plato’s Sophist

Did Plotinus “Friends” Still Go to Church? Communal Rituals and Ascent Apocalypses

The Meaning of “One”: Plurality and Unity in Plotinus and Later Neoplatonism

Theurgy and the Platonist’s Luminous Body



Priests and Prophets among Pagans, Jews and Christians

Dignas B., Parker R., Stroumsa G.G. (eds), Leuven: Peeters, 2013


The emperor Julian pointed out that the duties of priesthood were better understood among ‘the impious Galileans’ (i.e. Christians) than among his pagan contemporaries. Like the emperor, the essays in this volume look in both directions. Its pages are populated by very diverse figures: Plutarch, Aelius Aristides, Alexander of Abonouteichos, Daniel the Stylite, Gregory of Nazianzus, Shenoute of Atripe, Mani, Muhammad, and a host of anonymous Greek and Roman priests, prophets, and diviners. The priests of second temple Judaism are considered too. Both in the Greco-Roman and the early Christian worlds the neat division between priests and prophets proves hard to sustain. But in terms of fame and influence a strong contrast emerges between Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian prophets; this is why it is only among Jews and Christians that ‘false prophets’ are feared. Two recurrent preoccupations are the relation of priests and prophets to secular power, and the priest/prophet not as reality but as idea, an imagined figure. Leading scholars of the religions of antiquity come together in this wide-ranging and innovative volume.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents


Notes on Contributors

R. PARKER, Introduction

J. SCHEID, Priests and Prophets in Rome

T. RAJAK, Investment in/of the Jerusalem Priesthood in the Second Temple and Beyond

N. MCLYNN, Aelius Aristides and the Priests

B. DIGNAS, Greek Priests in the First Three Centuries CE: Traditional, Diverse, Wholly New?

N. BELAYCHE, Priests as Diviners: An Impact on Religious Changes in Imperial Anatolia?

J.N. BREMMER, The Representation of Priests and Priestesses in the Pagan and Christian Greek Novel

S. ELM, Priest and Prophet: Gregory of Nazianzus’s Concept of Christian Leadership as Theosis

K. TRAMPEDACH, Daniel Stylites and Leo I: an Uneasy Relationship between Saint and Emperor

G.G. STROUMSA, False Prophets of Early Christianity

Index of names, subjects and passages.


Der Mittelplatonismus 

Wege der Forschung

Clemens Zintzen (ed.), Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1981


Comme les autres volumes de la collection, celui-ci reproduit des études de divers auteurs qui étaient disséminées dans plusieurs ouvrages on revues et qui, réunies, présentent les divers aspects d’une question. Il s’agit dans le cas présent de l’histoire du platonisme depuis le Ie. siècle avant J.-C. jusqu’au IIe. après. Toutes sont en allemand, qu’elles aient été écrites dans cette langue ou traduites pour la circonstance.  Le choix de Cl. Zintzen est intéressant: les travaux qu’il a retenus comptent effectivement parmi les meilleurs ou les plus significatifs sur le sujet; ils concernent Eudore (J. M. Dillon); Philon (P. Boyancé et W. Theiler); Gaios (K. Praechter); Albinos (H. Cherniss, J. H. Loenen, H. A. Wolfson, J. M. Whittaker, R. M. Jones, A. N. M. Rich, J. M. Rist); Apulée (Cl. Morechini, R. Mortley, G. Barra); le commentaire anonyme sur le Théétète (K. Praechter); Justin et le platonisme chrétien (C. Andresen, N. Hyldahl, J. C. M. van Winden, J. H. Waszink); Numénius et Ammonius Saccas (H. Ch. Puech, R. Dodds). Suivent quelques indications bibliographiques et des index. Un livre utile.

(Testo della casa editrice)


Alexandrie la divine

Description et organisation

Je voudrais vous indiquer l’exposition « Alexandrie la divine » qui aura lieu du 5 avril 2014 au 31 août 2014 à la Fondation Martin Bodmer et le colloque scientifique sur le thème des « Sagesses barbares » qui aura lieu à Fribourg en août 2014.

Voici le résumé du projet rédigé par les organisateurs (cf. : « Le projet «Alexandrie la Divine» associe la Fondation Martin Bodmer (Cologny-Genève; FMB), la Fondation Gandur pour l’Art (FGA), la Biblio­teca Medicea Laurenziana (Florence; BML), la Bibliothèque de Genève (BGE) et la Fondation Carène (photographies). Il rassemble une centaine de chercheurs autour d’un projet de publication scientifique et muséographique sur le thème du dialogue des cultures dans l’Alexandrie ptolémaïque et romaine, et plus largement, dans l’espace hellénistique et romain. La parution de l’ouvrage est prévue en avril 2014 (1140 p., 2 vol., Editions du Cerf). L’exposition sur le même thème se tiendra à la Fondation Martin Bodmer d’avril à septembre 2014. Elle présentera des papyri (collections FMB et BGE), des ma­nuscrits et imprimés (collections FMB et BML), des objets archéologiques (col­lec­tion FGA) et des tirages argentiques des sites archéologiques majeurs (F. Möri).

La coexistence des cultures les plus anciennes et les plus vénérables d’alors – l’Égypte, la Judée, la Perse, l’Inde – en un même espace sous domination gréco-macédonienne, a fait d’Alexandrie «l’axe du monde» alors connu, et a infléchi le développement des cultures en jeu. Un développement que la domination ro­maine n’a pas entravé, à une époque où fleurirent les religions nouvelles, dont le christianisme, qui y développa des principes théologiques comptant parmi les plus importants de son histoire. Toutes ces cultures furent influencées, parfois de manière décisive, par ce bouillonnement culturel intense. C’est ce phénomène d’interactions que nous souhaitons étudier, sur la durée, sans nous limiter à la cité fondée par Alexandre, mais en la considérant comme l’axe de l’espace dont elle fut un réceptacle. Notre champ de recherches s’étend de l’Egypte ptolé­maïque et de la Grèce classique (études des prodromes) aux héritages d’Alexan­drie dans le monde musulman (translatio studiorum) et dans l’espace culturel chré­tien (Byzance, Europe occidentale) jusqu’à la Renaissance (le projet des Médicis).

Ce projet, dont l’IRD assume la coordination scientifique, en col­la­boration avec le Prof. Charles Méla, directeur de la Fondation Martin Bodmer, aboutira à l’organisation d’un colloque scientifique dirigé par le Prof. Mariano Delgado, sur le thème des «Sagesses barbares», à Fribourg, dans le courant de l’année 2014. Commissaire : Dr. Frédéric Möri ».


5 avril 2014 au 31 août 2014


Fondation Martin Bodmer


Fondation Gandur pour l’Art
12, rue Michel-Servet
CH-1206 Genève
t +41(0) 58 702 92 04
f +41(0) 58 702 99 83


History of Platonism

Plato redivivus 

Berchman, Robert M., Finamore, John F., University Press of the South, 2005


Following from the centuries of philosophical and religious thinkers who have studied and used Plato’s 4th Century B.C. doctrines, this anthology offers interpretations of Plato’s own works. The authors consider the intermediary role of Aristotle, the Neoplatonism of Plotinus, the religious and mystical theories of later Neoplatonic sources (including Egyptian writings), the effect of Platonic philosophy on Jewish writers during the Middle Ages, the adaptations of Cambridge Platonists, the Neoplatonic basis of Jung’s psychological writings, and the role of Plato’s doctrines in 20th Century Post-Modern philosophy.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Republic VI 509a9-c10 and its interpretation in antiquity : dialogical or dogmatic reading – Luc Brisson

Immortality vs. tripartition : the soul in Plato – Gwendolyn Gruber

The tripartite Soul in Plato’s Republic and Phaedrus – John F. Finamore

Erãos as institution : a consideration of why Plato wrote the Symposium – Matthew E. Kenney

Metaphors : thinking and being in Aristotle and Plotinus – Robert Berchman

Plotinus’ Philosophical Opposition to gnosticism and the implicit axiom of continuous hierarchy – Zeke Mazur

Plotinus : self and consciousness – Gary M. Gurtler

Alone to the Alone: The ascent to the One in Plotinus – Deepa Majumdar

The Sphere and the Altar of Sacrifice – Gregory Shaw

The Egyptian Book of the dead and Neoplatonic Philosophy – Algis Uzdavinys

Theories of nature in ancient platonism – John Phillips

A physics for the psyche? : Proclus’ Instituta physica and the « life » of the soul – Emilie Kutash

Damaskios’ new conception of metaphysics – Carolle Tresson & Alain Metry

« The Torah speaks in the language of humans » : on some uses of Plato’s theory of myth in medieval Jewish philosophy – Aaron Hughes

The manifest image : revealing the hidden in Halevi, Saadya and Ibn Gabirol – Sarah Pessin

Prophecy, imagination and the poet’s fine frenzy : reflections of a Cambridge platonist – Douglas Hedley

Listening to the voice of fire : theurgical fitness and esoteric sensitivity – Leonard George

Evolution, Jung, and theurgy : their role in modern neoplatonism – Bruce MacLennan

The problem of the self and its centre : postmodernism and neoplatonism – Kevin Corrigan.



Gnosticism, Platonism and the Late Ancient World

Kevin Corrigan & Tuomas Rasimus (eds.) Leyde: Brill, 2013


This Festschrift honors the life and work of John D. Turner (Charles J. Mach University Professor of Classics and History at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln) on the occasion of his 75th birthday. Professor Turner’s work has been of profound importance for the study of the interaction between Greek philosophy and Gnosticism in late antiquity. This volume contains essays by international scholars on a broad range of topics that deal with Sethian, Valentinian and other early Christian thought, as well as with Platonism and Neoplatonism, and offer a variety of perspectives spanning intellectual history, Greek and Coptic philology, and the study of religions.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

A Distinctive Intertextuality: Genesis and Platonizing Philosophy in The Secret Revelation of John – Karen L. King

The Three Forms of First Thought (NHC XIII,1), and the Secret Book of John (NHC II,1 and par.) – Paul-Hubert Poirier

Emissaries of Truth and Justice: The Seed of Seth as Agents of Divine Providence – Lance Jenott

Sethian Names in Magical Texts: Protophanes and Meirotheos – Einar Thomassen

“Third Ones and Fourth Ones”: Some Reflections on the Use of Indefinite Ordinals in Zostrianos – Wolf-Peter Funk

Le quatrième écrit du codex Tchacos: les livres d’Allogène et la tradition littéraire séthienne – Louis Painchaud

The Book of Allogenes (CT,4) and Sethian Gnosticism – Birger A. Pearson

The Temptation of Allogenes (Codex Tchacos, Tractate IV) – Madeleine Scopello

Martin Hengel and the Origins of Gnosticism – Volker Henning Drecoll

Arithmos and Kosmos: Arithmology as an Exegetical Tool in the De Opificio Mundi of Philo of Alexandria – Robert M. Berchman

Parole intérieure et parole proférée chez Philon d’Alexandrie et dans l’Évangile de la Vérité (NH I,3) – Anne Pasquier

Remarques sur la cohérence des Extraits de Théodote – Jean-Daniel Dubois

Evidence of “Valentinian” Ritual Practice? The Liturgical Fragments of Nag Hammadi Codex XI (NHC XI,2a–e) – Hugo Lundhaug

A Salvific Act of Transformation or a Symbol of Defilement? Baptism in Valentinian Liturgical Readings (NHC XI,2) and in the Testimony of Truth (NHC IX,3) – Antti Marjanen

“The Garment Poured its Entire Self over Me”: Christian Baptismal Traditions and the Origins of the Hymn of the Pearl – Dylan M. Burns

Alexander of Lycopolis, Manichaeism and Neoplatonism – Johannes van Oort

Crafting Gnosis: Gnostic Spirituality in the Ancient New Age – April D. DeConick

The Symposium and Republic in the Mystical Thought of Plotinus and the Sethian Gnostics – Kevin Corrigan

“Those Who Ascend to the Sanctuaries of the Temples”: The Gnostic Context of Plotinus’ First Treatise, 1.6 [1], On Beauty – Zeke Mazur

Johannine Background of the Being-Life-Mind Triad – Tuomas Rasimus

The Neopythagorean Backdrop to the Fall (σφαλμα/νευσισ) of the Soul in Gnosticism and its Echo in the Plotinian Treatises 33 and 34 – Jean-Marc Narbonne

Écho et les antitypes – Michel Tardieu

Plotinus and the Magical Rites Practiced by the Gnostics – Luc Brisson

Where Did Matter Appear From? A Syntactic Problem in a Plotinian anti-Gnostic Treatise – Lorenzo Ferroni

Plotinus, Epicurus, and the Gnostics: On Plotinian Classification of Philosophies – Andrei Cornea

Plotinus and the Vehicle of the Soul – John Dillon

Life and Happiness in the “Platonic Underworld” – Michael A. Williams

Trial by Fire: An Ontological Reading of Katharsis – Svetla Slaveva-Griffin

“Harmonizing” Aristotle’s Categories and Plato’s Parmenides before the Background of Natural Philosophy – Gerald Bechtle

Christians against Matter: A Bouquet for Bishop Berkeley – Mark Edwards

Proclus against the Gnostics? Some Remarks on a Subtle Allusion in the Timaeus-Commentary concerning Caves and Cages – Benjamin Gleede

Imagination and Psychic Body: Apparitions of the Divine and Geometric Imagination according to Proclus – Alain Lernould

Neoplatonizing Gnosticism and Gnosticizing Neoplatonism in the “American Baroque” – Jay Bregman


Apocalypse of the Alien God

Platonism and the Exile of Sethian Gnosticism

Dylan M. Burns, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014


In the second century, Platonist and Judeo-Christian thought were sufficiently friendly that a Greek philosopher could declare, « What is Plato but Moses speaking Greek? » Four hundred years later, a Christian emperor had ended the public teaching of subversive Platonic thought. When and how did this philosophical rupture occur? Dylan M. Burns argues that the fundamental break occurred in Rome, ca. 263, in the circle of the great mystic Plotinus, author of the Enneads. Groups of controversial Christian metaphysicians called Gnostics (« knowers ») frequented his seminars, disputed his views, and then disappeared from the history of philosophy—until the 1945 discovery, at Nag Hammadi, Egypt, of codices containing Gnostic literature, including versions of the books circulated by Plotinus’s Christian opponents. Blending state-of-the-art Greek metaphysics and ecstatic Jewish mysticism, these texts describe techniques for entering celestial realms, participating in the angelic liturgy, confronting the transcendent God, and even becoming a divine being oneself. They also describe the revelation of an alien God to his elect, a race of « foreigners » under the protection of the patriarch Seth, whose interventions will ultimately culminate in the end of the world. Apocalypse of the Alien God proposes a radical interpretation of these long-lost apocalypses, placing them firmly in the context of Judeo-Christian authorship rather than ascribing them to a pagan offshoot of Gnosticism. According to Burns, this Sethian literature emerged along the fault lines between Judaism and Christianity, drew on traditions known to scholars from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Enochic texts, and ultimately catalyzed the rivalry of Platonism with Christianity. Plunging the reader into the culture wars and classrooms of the high Empire, Apocalypse of the Alien God offers the most concrete social and historical description available of any group of Gnostic Christians as it explores the intersections of ancient Judaism, Christianity, Hellenism, myth, and philosophy.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents



CHAPTER 1 – Culture Wars

CHAPTER 2 – Plotinus Against His Gnostic Friends

CHAPTER 3 – Other Ways of Writing

CHAPTER 4 – The Descent

CHAPTER 5 – The Ascent

CHAPTER 6 – The Crown

CHAPTER 7 – Between Judaism, Christianity, and Neoplatonism







Platonism at the Origins of Modernity

Studies on Platonism and Early Modern Philosophy

Douglas Hedley & Sarah Hutton, Berlin: Springer, 2008


This collection of essays offers an overview of the range and breadth of Platonic philosophy in the early modern period. It examines philosophers of Platonic tradition, such as Cusanus, Ficino, and Cudworth. The book also addresses the impact of Platonism on major philosophers of the period, especially Descartes, Leibniz, Locke, Shaftesbury and Berkeley.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents 

Introduction – Hutton, Sarah

Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464): Platonism at the Dawn of Modernity – Moran, Dermot

At Variance: Marsilio Ficino, Platonism and Heresy – Allen, Michael J. B.

Going Naked into the Shrine: Herbert, Plotinus and the Constructive Metaphor – Clark, Stephen R. L.

Comenius, Light Metaphysics and Educational Reform – Rohls, Jan

Robert Fludd’s Kabbalistic Cosmos – Schmidt-Biggemann, Wilhelm

Reconciling Theory and Fact: The Problem of ‘Other Faiths’ in Lord Herbert and the Cambridge Platonists – Pailin, David

Trinity, Community and Love: Cudworth’s Platonism and the Idea of God – Armour, Leslie

Chaos and Order in Cudworth’s Thought – Breteau, Jean-Louis

Cudworth, Prior and Passmore on the Autonomy of Ethics – Attfield, Robin

Substituting Aristotle: Platonic Themes in Dutch Cartesianism – Ruler, Han

Soul, Body and World: Plato’s Timaeus and Descartes’ Meditations – Wilson, Catherine

Locke, Plato and Platonism – Rogers, G. A. J.

Reflections on Locke’s Platonism – Nuovo, Victor

The Platonism at the Core of Leibniz’s Philosophy – Mercer, Christia

Leibniz and Berkeley: Platonic Metaphysics and ‘The Mechanical Philosophy’ – Brown, Stuart

Which Platonism for Which Modernity? A Note on Shaftesbury’s Socratic Sea-Cards – Jaffro, Laurent

Platonism, Aesthetics and the Sublime at the Origins of Modernity – Hedley, Douglas


Histories of the Hidden God

Concealment and Revelation in Western Gnostic, Esoteric, and Mystical Traditions 

April D DeConick, Grant Adamson (Editors), London: Routledge, 2013


In Western religious traditions, God is conventionally conceived as a humanlike creator, lawgiver, and king, a being both accessible and actively present in history. Yet there is a concurrent and strong tradition of a God who actively hides. The two traditions have led to a tension between a God who is simultaneously accessible to humanity and yet inaccessible, a God who is both immanent and transcendent, present and absent. Western Gnostic, esoteric, and mystical thinking capitalizes on the hidden and hiding God. He becomes the hallmark of the mystics, Gnostics, sages, and artists who attempt to make accessible to humans the God who is secreted away. ‘Histories of the Hidden God’ explores this tradition from antiquity to today. The essays focus on three essential themes: the concealment of the hidden God; the human quest for the hidden God, and revelations of the hidden God.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Part I – Concealment of the Hidden God

1 – Who is hiding in the Gospel of John? Reconceptualizing Johannine theology and the roots of Gnosticism – April D. DeConick, Rice University

2 – Adoil outside the cosmos: God before and after Creation in the Enochic tradition – Andrei A. Orlov, Marquette University

3 – The old gods of Egypt in lost Hermetica and early Sethianism – Grant Adamson, Rice University

4 – Hidden God and hidden self: The emergence of apophatic anthropology in Christian mysticism – Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago

5 – God’s occulted body: On the hiddenness of Christ in Alan of Lille’s Anticlaudianus – Claire Fanger, Rice University

Part II – The Human Quest for the Hidden God

6 – Obscured by the scriptures, revealed by the prophets: God in the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies – Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St Edward’s University

7 – How hidden was God? Revelation and pedagogy in ancient and medieval Hermetic writings – David Porreca, Rice University

8 – From hidden to revealed in Sethian revelation, ritual, and protology – John D. Turner, University of Nebraska

9 – Shamanism and the hidden history of modern Kabbalah – Jonathan Garb, Hebrew University

10 – Dreaming of paradise: Seeing the hidden God in Islam – David Cook, Rice University

Part III – Revelations of the Hidden God

11 – Revealing and concealing God in ancient synagogue art – Shira Lander, Rice University

12 – The invisible Christian God in Christian art – Robin M. Jensen, Vanderbilt University

13 – On the Mothman, God, and other monsters: The demonology of John A. Keel – Jeffrey J. Kripal, Rice University

14 – Hidden away: Esotericism and Gnosticism in Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam – Stephen C. Finley, Louisiana State University

15 – Conscious concealment: The repression and expression of African American Spiritualists – Margarita Simon Guillory, Rochester University

16 – Occulture in the academy? The case of Joseph P. Farrell – John Stroup, Rice University

Afterword: Mysticism, Gnosticism, and esotericism as entangled discourses – Kocku von Stuckrad, University of Groningen


