Revista Ética e Filosofia Política

Riqueza e fertilidade filosóficas do neoplatonismo no medievo

Juiz de Fora: Editora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora


Apresentar ao pesquisador da história da filosofia os fundamentos e o quão rico e fértil são as contribuições do Neoplatonismo no decorrer da Idade Média, o objeto da organização deste volume. Para tal foram mobilizados grandes especialistas da área que generosamente colaboraram na elaboração do presente número da Revista de Ética e Filosofia Política da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.

(Texto dos editores)


Riqueza e fertilidade filosóficas do neoplatonismo no medievo: Panorama da investigação contemporânea

Pedro Calixto

Exegese et dialectique chez Plotin: quelques remarques methodologiques

Mauricio Pagotto Marsola

Divergences et convergences entre Plotin et les gnostiques: un bilan

Jean-Marc Narbonne

O intelecto, os inteligíveis e a ignorância: hierarquia e polêmica antignóstica no tratado 32 (v, 5), 1 – 3, 2 de Plotino

Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete

Sementes para uma leitura transcendental da filosofia do neoplatonismo tardio

Danillo Costa Lima

O bem como fundamento na filosofia procleana

Suelen Pereira da Cunha

La misura dell’amore in Agostino

Maurizio Filippo Di Silva

Notas sobre a possibilidade de reflexos agostinianos na conceituação de teofania em João Escoto Erígena

Roberto Carlos Pignatari

Al-Kindi leitor da « teologia de Aristóteles »

Arthur Klik

“Frustra enim esset ratiocinativa inquisitio, nisi perveniret ad intellectivam unionem”: investigação racional e união intelectiva no Super Mysticam Theologiam Dionysii de Alberto Magno

Matteo Raschietti

O “poema” do Breviloquium: pensamento e oração em São Boaventura

Emmanuel Falque

O estatuto da vida contemplativa e ativa na mística especulativa de Mestre Eckhart com base no Sermão 86, a excelência de Marta sobre Maria

Moises Alves, Pedro Calixto

Fundamentos para se pensar a paz entre as religiões: um caminho a partir do De Pace Fidei de Nicolau de Cusa

Klédson Tiago Alves de Souza, José Teixeira Neto

Os três movimentos da luz na elevação intelectual pelo sensível em Nicolau de Cusa

Marcus Vinicius Carnivali de Araujo

Le Dieu omnivoyant et l’objet de son voir chez Nicolas de Cues

Pedro Calixto, William D. Sversuti

Divina Caligo: l’influenza dello Pseudo-Dionigi nel neoplatonismo fiorentino

Jonathan Molinari

Antropologia de Charles de Bovelles para o homem científico de hoje

Gainsi Grégoire-Sylvestre; Pedro Calixto, Manoel Abreu Fernandes

Sermão 48 – O dia santificado (1445)

Pedro Calixto, William Davidans Sversutti

A revista publica dossiers temáticos.

A revista acolhe propostas de resenhas de livros.



A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science

Berlin: De Gruyter


Apeiron was founded in 1966 and has developed into one of the oldest and most distinguished journals dedicated to the study of ancient philosophy, ancient science, and, in particular, of problems that concern both fields. Apeiron is committed to publishing high-quality research papers in these areas of ancient Greco-Roman intellectual history; it also welcomes submission of articles dealing with the reception of ancient philosophical and scientific ideas in the later western tradition. The journal appears quarterly. Articles are peer-reviewed on a double-blind basis.

(Text by the publisher)


Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé

Paris: Les Belles Lettres


L’Association Guillaume Budé publie depuis 1923 un bulletin, le Bulletin de l’Association Guillaume Budé (BAGB) qui comporte des articles relatifs à la littérature et à la civilisation grecques et latine, à la postérité de l’Antiquité grecque et latine jusqu’à nos jours, à la littérature française, à l’histoire, l’histoire des sciences et l’histoire des idées.

Il fournit aussi des informations régulières concernant la vie des sections.

(Texte des éditeurs)


Vigiliae Christianae


Leiden: Brill


Vigiliae Christianae Supplements publishes scholarly translations, commentary and critical studies of texts and issues relating to early Christianity. The series published an average of 5,5 volumes per year over the last 5 years.

(Text by the publisher)


Revue de Philosophie Ancienne

Leyde: Les Éditions Ousia


Fondée en 1983, la Revue de philosophie ancienne publie des articles en français et en anglais (occasionnellement en allemand et en italien) dans le domaine de la philosophie ancienne et de sa réception, sans exclusive quant aux traditions interprétatives dans lesquelles ils s’inscrivent. Elle publie également des recensions critiques et des numéros thématiques.

Elle est actuellement dirigée par Sylvain Delcomminette (Université Libre de Bruxelles), qui a succédé en 2012 à Lambros Couloubaritsis à titre d’Éditeur responsable. À cette occasion, un nouveau comité scientifique a été réuni, renforçant encore la vocation depuis toujours internationale de cette revue, notamment en l’ouvrant vers l’Amérique latine et l’Asie.

(Texte des éditeurs)

La revue accepte de recevoir des propositions de comptes rendus d’ouvrages.

La revue accepte de publier des dossiers thématiques.


L’Année Philologique

Turnhout: Brepolis


L’Année philologique, published by the Société Internationale de Bibliographie Classique, is a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. The bibliography is published in print and online. The online database includes all volumes of the annual index, beginning with Volume I published in 1928.

(Text by the editors)


Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press


Journal of Early Christian Studies focuses on the study of Christianity in the context of late ancient societies and religions from C.E. 100-700. The Journal publishes the best of traditional patristics scholarship while showcasing articles that call attention to newer methodologies and themes often absent from other patristic journals. Every issue features an extensive book review section. Journal of Early Christian Studies is the official publication of the North American Patristics Society (NAPS).

Editor : Stephen J. Shoemaker

(Text by the editors) 

The journal welcomes proposals for book reviews.


The Classical Review

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
The Classical Review publishes informative reviews from leading scholars on new work covering the literatures and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome. Publishing over 150 high quality reviews and 50 brief notes every year, The Classical Review is an indispensable reference tool, essential for keeping abreast with current classical scholarship.
The journal welcomes proposals for book reviews.
(Text by the editors)

Laval théologique et philosophique

Quebèc: Érudit


La revue Laval théologique et philosophique est publiée trois fois par année. Elle est soutenue par la Faculté de philosophie et la Faculté de théologie et de sciences religieuses de l’Université Laval, à Québec. Elle a pour but de diffuser les travaux des chercheurs, de faire la synthèse des questions majeures en philosophie, en sciences des religions et en théologie, et d’ouvrir de nouveaux champs d’investigation ou de recherche dans ces domaines.

La revue accepte de recevoir des propositions de comptes rendus d’ouvrages.

(Texte des éditeurs)


Zeitschrift für antike Christentum

Berlin: De Gruyter


The Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum / Journal of Ancient Christianity (ZAC) is a refereed academic journal which aims at encouraging the dialogue between scholars of church history, history of religion, and classical antiquity with all its subdisciplines (classical and Christian Near Eastern philology, ancient history, classical and Christian archaeology, as well as the history of ancient philosophy and religion). In this context, ancient Christianity is understood in its complete prosopographic and doxographic breadth, with special emphasis on the influences of peripheral groups and related movements. The Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum seeks to take into account that ancient Christianity developed through processes of reception and interchange with its Jewish and non-Christian environment, and can, therefore, only be researched in an interdisciplinary way. ZAC seeks to provide a forum for interdisciplinary exchange, and to act as a mediator between those disciplines that deal with ancient Christianity. In all these efforts the journal acknowledges its debt to Hans Lietzmann (1875–1942) as well as to the French and Anglo-Saxon historiographical tradition on ancient Christianity. Yet, it is not the publication of a particular school, but open to all who research this area regardless of religion, denomination or language. Each issue of the journal usually opens with a research report. At least once a year, important new findings and tendencies in epigraphy, papyrology, codicology and Christian archaeology are surveyed. A special rubric is dedicated to a report on new textual editions of Greek, Latin and Christian Near Eastern sources. In particular instances, there is a special section for smaller editions (inscriptions, catena fragments, sermons and letters). Occasionally, the Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum not only contains essays and short articles, but also a discussion section with short contributions to a special theme, reports on scholarly meetings, and important dates. The journal concludes with an extensive review section. The Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum appears tri-annually with approx. 600 pages in toto. In general, contributions should be in German, English, French or Italian, concluded by either an English or German abstract. For the publication of inscriptions and archaeological findings, illustrative tables (in general black and white) are provided. Greek and Christian Near Eastern scripts are not transliterated, and always provided with a German, English or French translation.

(Text by the editors)

The journal welcomes proposals for book reviews.
