First Principles in Classic Gnostic Texts and Plotinus

with Tuomas Rasimus

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This paper discusses the ways key classic gnostic texts (Eugnostos, the source behind Irenaeus’ AH 1.30, Apocryphon of John, Zostrianos and Allogenes) explain the generation of first principles. I argue that these texts make use of established Neopythagorean solutions of monistic derivation (by self-duplication, self-division, or exteriorization) but combine them with biblical speculations about the image and likeness of God. In doing so, the gnostic authors came up with creative solutions and set vocabulary that foreshadowed Plotinus’ procession-and-return scheme, including the famous being-life-mind triad (as well as its variant, the existence-life-blessedness triad). We know from Porphyry’s biography that Plotinus had gnostic friends and that Greek versions of Zostrianos and Allogenes circulated in Plotinus’ seminars. I aim to show that Plotinus was influenced by his gnostic friends but modified their solutions to be compatible with Plato (Sophist 248e in particular). The influence was probably mutual and would explain the full-blown Neoplatonism of Zostrianos and Allogenes.

Conférence donnée dans le cadre du Projet « Les Platonismes de l’Antiquité Tardive » et le cycle de conférences 2022-2023 « Interactions Philosophies et Religieuses : Les Principes ».

Projet pluriannuel de recherches dirigé par Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete (CNRS – LEM), Anna Van den Kerchove (IPT), George Karamanolis (Université de Vienne), Éric Crégheur (Université Laval) et Dylan Burns (Université d’Amsterdam).

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