Recognising the Margins

Developments in Biblical and Theological Studies 

Werner Jeanrond,‎ Andrew D. H. Mayes (ed), New York: Columbia University Press, 2007


Eighteen scholars from Ireland and from many parts of the world contribute eighteen significant articles under four headings: Biblical Themes, Theological Themes, Cultural Themes and Ethical Themes. The contributors are Joseph Blenkinsopp, Martin Hengel, A. D. H. Mayes, Stephen D. Moore, Ellen J. van Wolde, John Dillon, James P. Mackey, John D’Arcy May, Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Werner G. Jeanrond, Karl-Josef Kuschel, Enda McDonagh, Felix Wilfred, Nigel Biggar, Stephen J. Duffy, Maureen Junker-Kenny, Dietmar Mieth and Elaine M. Wainwright. These essays are published to mark the occasion of Seán Freyne’s 70th birthday in 2005.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents


I. Biblical themes

1. Who is the teacher in Isa 30:20 who will no longer remain hidden? – Joseph Blenkinsopp

2. The messianic secret in Mark -​ Martin Hengel

3. The Exodus as an ideology of the marginalised -​ A. D. H. Mayes

4. Mark and empire -​ Stephen D. Moore

5. Crossing border : speaking about the beginning in Genesis 1 and John 1 -​ Ellen J. van Wolde.

II. Theological Themes

6. « The eye of the soul » : the doctrine of the higher consciousness in the neoplatonic and sufic traditions -​ John Dillon

7. The lapses in Christian theology at the end of the second millennium – James P. Mackey

8. Rootedness : reflections on land and belonging -​ John D’Arcy May

9. An other name for G*d -​ Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza.

III. Cultural Themes

10. The future of Christianity in Europe – Werner G. Jeanrond

11. Interreligious dialogue and global ethic in an age of globalisation -​ Karl-Josef Kuschel

12. Theatre, tragedy and theology -​ Enda McDonagh

13. The Galileans of the south : the untouchables at the margins -​ Felix Wilfred.

IV. Ethical Themes

14. Specifying the Meaning: Jesus, the New Testament and violence -​ Nigel Biggar

15. The quest for freedom in a culture of choice -​ Stephen J. Duffy

16. Virtues and the God who makes everything new -​ Maureen Junker-Kenny

17. The role and backgrounds of religious, ethical, legal and social issues in the progress of science – Dietmar Mieth

18. « It is part of a process, it is part of a pilgrimage » : text in context and conflict -​ Elaine M. Wainwright.


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