
A Journal for Manuscript Research

Turnhout: Brepols


Manuscripta: A Journal for Manuscript Research publishes articles, notes, and reviews in Medieval and Renaissance manuscript studies. The journal accepts submissions on topics relating (but not limited) to paleography, codicology, illumination, book production, library history, reading and literacy, textual editing and transmission, and manuscript catalogues. Manuscripta (ISSN 0025-2603) is published twice yearly for the Knights of Columbus Vatican Film Library. For print and online subscriptions, contact Brepols Publishers. The journal is available online through Brepols Periodica Online.


Gregory Pass


Durham University

Project Academy Workshop 3

Philip of Opus, Hermodorus of Syracuse, the Index Academicorum

Description and organization

Speakers, Respondents, and Chairs: Edoardo Benati (SNS-Pisa), Matilde Berti (Durham), Giulia Bonasio (Durham), Carlo Cacciatori (Durham), Giulia De Cesaris (KU Leuven), Pia De Simone (Trier), Eyjólfur Emilsson (Oslo), Kilian Fleischer (Wϋrzburg), Roberto Granieri (KU Leuven), Phillip Horky (Durham), Claudia Luchetti (Tϋbingen), Irmgard Männlein-Robert (Tϋbingen), Maria Cristina Mennutti (Durham), Anna Marmodoro (Durham), Federico Petrucci (Torino), Alessio Santoro (Lyon), Cesare Sinatti (Durham), Karl-Heinz Stanzel (Tϋbingen)

Project Academy is a partnership of scholars based in Durham and Tϋbingen, with the aim of developing a major initiative in the study of the Platonic tradition. At the heart of this project will be a series of critical editions, English and German translations, and commentaries of the fragments (and testimonies) of the members of Plato’s Early (or ‘Old’) Academy (ca. 380–266 BCE). Despite the historical importance of the Early Academy, the fragments of those philosophers who were its members are generally inaccessible: they have never been translated into English or German as a whole, and many of the most recent critical editions date from forty years ago and are difficult to obtain. The English-language editions will eventually be published in the new book series Cambridge Texts and Studies in Platonism (Cambridge University Press).

The third workshop in Durham, delayed from April 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will focus on the methodological and philosophical problems related to three figures of significant interest to the history of Early Platonism: Plato’s amanuensis Philip of Opus, the metaphysician Hermodorus of Syracuse, and the historian/s who contributed to the Index Academicorum, the papyrus history of the Academy found in Herculaneum. Previous workshops treated Speusippus of Athens (Durham, February 2019) and Xenocrates of Chalcedon (Tϋbingen, November 2019). The final workshop in Tϋbingen (TBD) will focus on figures of importance to the later period of the Early Academy, including Polemo of Athens, Crantor of Soli, and Crates of Athens.

 If you would like to participate in this workshop or have other questions concerning Project Academy, please email the Durham co-organizer, Phillip Horky ( by Monday 13 June, 12pm GMT. We have limited funds to support early career scholars and postgraduate students to attend the workshop in person. If you are an early career scholar or postgraduate student and would like to be considered for funding support, please email Dr Horky with a description of why you would like to attend the workshop (200 words or less) and a short provisional budget of travel costs by Monday 13 June, 12pm GMT. If you would like to attend the workshop remotely, please email Dr Horky  by Monday 20 June, 12pm GMT, stating your wish to attend via Zoom.


Philip Horky

The Idea of Semitic Monotheism

Stroumsa, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021


The Idea of Semitic Monotheism examines some major aspects of the scholarly study of religion in the long nineteenth century–from the Enlightenment to the First World War. It aims to understand the new status of Judaism and Islam in the formative period of the new discipline. Guy G. Stroumsa focuses on the concept of Semitic monotheism, a concept developed by Ernest Renan around the mid-nineteenth century on the basis of the postulated and highly problematic contradistinction between Aryan and Semitic families of peoples, cultures, and religions. This contradistinction grew from the Western discovery of Sanskrit and its relationship with European languages, at the time of the Enlightenment and Romanticism. Together with the rise of scholarly Orientalism, this discovery offered new perspectives on the East, as a consequence of which the Near East was demoted from its traditional status as the locus of the Biblical revelations.

This innovative work studies a central issue in the modern study of religion. Doing so, however, it emphasizes the new dualistic taxonomy of religions had major consequences and sheds new light on the roots of European attitudes to Jews and Muslims in the twentieth century, up to the present day.

Table of contents

Introduction: The Study of Religion and the Spirit of Orientalism
1. Varieties of Monotheism and the Three Rings
2. The Enlightenment’s Paradigm Shift and the Three Impostors
3. Aryans, Semites, and Jewish Scholars
4. Cultural Transfers and Philologia orientalis
5. Semitic Monotheism: Renan on Judaism and Islam
6. A Jesus of White Marble or a Jesus in the Flesh?
7. Secular Scholarship in France: Catholics, Protestants, and Jews
8. From the Quarrel of Monotheism to the Babel-Bibel Controversy
9. Semitic Religion and Sacrificial Ritual
10. Sacrifice Compared: Israel and India
Conclusion: Comparing Monotheisms

(Text from the publisher)


Études Platoniciennes

Le retour de l’âme

Paris: Les Belles Lettres


Le numéro XVII des Études Platoniciennes est consacré au thème du retour de l’âme dans la tradition platonicienne. Conformément à ses statuts, la rédaction des Études Platoniciennes a confié à un éditeur le soin de coordonner le dossier. Nous adressons nos remerciements à Camille Guigon et Pauline Rates qui ont mené à bien ce travail.

Arnaud Macé a dirigé le Bulletin platonicien, nous lui exprimons notre gratitude.

Le secrétariat éditorial a été assuré par Pauline Sabrier et Olivier Renaut.

(Texte des éditeurs)

Table de matières

Camille Guigon et Pauline Rates. Introduction.
Mauro Bonazzi. Le platonisme : une philosophie de l’exil ?
Fabienne Jourdan. Le retour de l’âme à son lieu d’origine après la mort et sa descente ici-bas selon Numénius.
Marco Zambon. Retour de l’âme et salut de l’homme chez Origène d’Alexandrie [Texte intégral]. 
Luc Brisson. Descente et retour de l’âme chez Plotin et chez Porphyre [Texte intégral]. 
Thomas Vidart. The reactivation of the printed marks coming from the intelligible realities according to Plotinus. 
Christian Girard. L’unité de l’âme, au péril de l’homme ? [Texte intégral]. 
Daniela Patrizia Taormina. Jamblique. L’âme et ses parcours d’élévation [Texte intégral]. 
Pauline Rates. Métamorphoses du thème du retour de l’âme du De Regressu de Porphyre au livre X du De civitate Dei [Texte intégral]. 
Anne-Claire Lozier. À la recherche d’un bonheur éternel : Augustin face au retour sempiternel et à la métempsychose (Cité de Dieu XII, 21) [Texte intégral]. 
Carlos Steel. Le retour de l’âme à l’intellect. Lectures neo-platoniciennes du De Anima III 4-5 d’Aristote [Texte intégral]. 
John Dillon. L’ivresse de l’intellect : quelques réflexions au sujet du récit plotinien de l’Ascension [Texte intégral]. 
La revue accepte de publier des dossiers thématiques. 
La revue accepte de recevoir des propositions de comptes rendus d’ouvrages.

The Origins of Gnosticism / Le origini dello gnosticismo

Bianchi (Ed.), Leiden: Brill, 1967


Colloquium of Messina, 13–18 April 1966. Texts and Discussions. Published with the Help of the Consiglo Nazionale delle Ricerche della Repubblica Italiana. 

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Preliminary Material, p. I–XXXII

Le problème des origines du gnosticisme, p. 1–27

Les origines du gnosticisme et l’histoire des religions, p. 28–60

Der Stand der Veröffentlichung der Nag Hammadi-Texte, p. 61–89

Delimitation of the gnostic phenomenon—typological and historical, p. 90–108

Der jüdische und judenchristliche Hintergrund in gnostischen Texten von Nag Hammadi, p. 109–140

Les êtres intermédiaires dans le judaïsme tardif, p. 141–157

Bemerkungen zu den Methoden der Ursprungsbestimmung von Gnosis, p. 159–173

Towards a definition of Gnosticism, p. 174–180

Zur Definition der Gnosis in Rücksicht auf die Frage nach ihrem Ursprung, p. 181–189

Die „ersten Gnostiker” Simon und Menander, p. 190–196

Die Apophasis Megale, eine Grundschrift der Gnosis?, p. 197–202

Die Person der Sophia in der vierten Schrift des Codex Jung, p. 203–214

La théologie de l’histoire dans la gnose valentinienne, p. 215–226

The Egyptian Background of Gnosticism, p. 227–237

Gnosis und ägyptische Religion, p. 238–247

Letture iraniche per l’origine e la definizione tipologica di gnosi, p. 249–264

Erlösendes Wissen, p. 265–280

La gnosi iranica, p. 281–290

Ist die Gnosis in aramäischen Weisheitsschulen entstanden?, p. 291–301

Zum Problem: Mesopotamien (Babylonien) und Gnostizismus, p. 302–306

Bardaiṣan, die Bardaiṣaniten und die Ursprünge des Gnostizismus, p. 307–314

Religion, Philosophie und Gnosis: Grenzfälle und Pseudomorphosen in der Spätantike, p. 315–322

Éléments d’une mythopée gnostique dans la Grèce classique, p. 323–339

Dieu Cosmique et Dualisme, p. 340–356

Éléments gnostiques chez Philon, p. 357–376

Qumran and gnosticism, p. 377–388

The nature of gnosticism in Qumran, p. 389–400

Essénisme et gnose chez le Pseudo-Philon, p. 401–410

Considerazioni sulle origini dello gnosticismo in relazione al giudaismo, p. 411–426

Die „Himmelsreise der Seele” Ausserhalb und Innerhalb der Gnosis, p. 427–447

Le mauvais gouvernement du monde d’après le gnosticisme, p. 448–459

Le mythe des sept archontes créateurs peut-il s’expliquer à partir du christianisme?, p. 460–487

Le thème de la fornication des anges, p. 488–495

Sleep and awakening in gnostic texts, p. 496–507

Gnosis, Gnosticism and the New Testament, p. 509–527

Judenchristentum und Gnosis, p. 528–537

Saint Paul et le gnosticisme, p. 538–551

Gnostic and canonical gospel traditions, p. 552–562

Urchristliches Kerygma und „gnostische” Interpretation in einigen Sprüchen des Thomasevangeliums, p. 563–574

Early Syriac Christianity – gnostic?, p. 575–579

Probleme einer Entwicklungsgeschichte der mandäischen Religion, p. 581–596

Il salterio manicheo e la gnosi giudaico-cristiana, p. 597–603

Mani’s conception of gnosis, p. 604–613

La gnose dans les textes liturgiques manichéens coptes, p. 614–624

Makarius und das Lied von der Perle, p. 625–644

Sur le gnosticisme en Arménie: les livres d’Adam, p. 645–648

Buddhism and Gnosis, p. 649–667

Some notes on a sociological approach to Gnosticism, p. 668–675

Elemente gnostischer Religiosität in altamerikanischen Religionen, p. 676–687


Foro di Studi Avanzati Gaetano Massa 2022

FSA Roma Annual Conference 2022

Philosophy, Theology, Aestetics, Religion from Antiquity to the Renaissance

Description and organization

7th annual conference of the Foro di Studi Avanzati Gaetano Massa 2022: Renaissance, Ancient, Medieval and Modern Patterns. Philosophy, Theology, Aestetics, Religion from Antiquity to the Renaissance. From 27th to 31st May 2022.

FSA Gateano Massa is a Network whose purpose is to provide an intellectual setting where scholars of philosophy, theology, religion and classics gather to share and compare their perspectives on the meaning and significance of their collective research


May 27 Friday: Foro di Alti Studi Gaetano Massa

16h: Introduction – Robert M. Berchman [FSA/Roma]. In Memoria. Robert Lima [1935-2022]. Claudia D’Amico [Universidad de Buenos Aires, ARG]; Jose Maria Zamora [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ESP]. John D. Turner [1937-2021]. Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete [CNRS/LEM, France]; Robert M. Berchman [FSA/Roma].

16h30: Presentation of FSA Academic Fellows: Presenters. Giuseppe Muscolino [Universita degli Studi di Catania, Italia] and Michele Olzi [Universita degli Studi dell’Insubria Varese e Como, Italia]. Michele Abbate, [Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Italia]; Clelia Attanasio [University of Cambridge, UK], Alvaro Campillo Bo [University College Dublin, IRL], Dylan Burns [University of Amsterdam, NL]; Ivana Costa [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina], Marisa Divenosa [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina], Mark Edwards [University of Oxford, UK],Giada Fiorese [Universita degli Studi dell’ Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia], Odile Gilon, [Centre de Recherche en Philosophie, Université Libre de Bruxelles, BLG], Svetla Slaveva-Griffin, [Florida State University, USA], Christian Hengstermann [Universitaet Wuppertal, BRD]; Christoph Horn, [Universitaet Bonn, BRD], Anna Mamodoro, [Durham University and University of Oxford, UK], Gareth Polmeer [Royal College of Art, UK]; Rafaella Palmisano [Universita degli Studi dell’ Insubria Varese e Como, Italia], Daniel Regnier [St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada], Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete [CNRS/LEM, France], Fabrizio Sciacca [Universita degli Studi di Catania, Italia], Erasmo Silvio Storace [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia], Daniella Taormina [Universita degli Studi di Roma ‘Tor Vergata’] Matthew Vanderkwaak [University College Dublin, IRL], Giuseppe Vitale [Universtity College Dublin, IRL/University of Cologne, BRD], Valentina Zaffino [Pontifica Universita Lateranese, Citta del Vaticano].

16h50: Presentation of FSA Arts Fellows: Presenter. Alessandro Sbordoni, [Associazione Nuova Consonanza/Roma, Italia], Roberto Fabbriciani [Associazione Nuova Consonanza/Roma, Italia],


17h00-19h00: Light and Vision in Marsilio Ficino Moderator Douglas Hedley [University of Cambridge, UK] « Ficino on the Metaphysics of the Diaphanous » Anna Corrias [University of Cambridge, UK]] “Ficino on Vision in the Commentary on Plotinus’ Enneads » Stephen Gersh, [University of Notre Dame, USA] « Demiurgy and Light in Ficino » Denis Robichaud [University of Notre Dame, USA] “Ficino’s De Sole and his Metaphysics of Light” Valentina Zaffino [Pontifica Universita Lateranese, Citta del Vaticano]

19h00: Discussion

May 28 Saturday: Foro di Alti Studi Riccardo Campa


9h00-11h00: Mathematics: Mapping Epistemologies. Moderator Svetla Slaveva-Griffin [Florida State University, USA] “Applying Number to the Continuum” Anna Marmodoro [Durham University and University of Oxford, UK] “Crantor and the Epistemological and Mathematical Tale of the Old Academy” Svetla Slaveva-Griffin [Florida State University, USA] “Arithmos and Episteme: A ‘Neopythagorean’ Epistemology of Mathematics” Robert M. Berchman [FSA/Roma].

9h45: Discussion “Plotinus and Frege on Numbers” Christoph Horn, [Universitaet Bonn, BRD] « Aspects of Mathematics in Iamblichus », Daniela Taormina [Universita degli Studi di Roma ’Tor Vergata’ Italia]

10h30: Discussion

11h00-1230: Aesthetics of the Self: Moderator Paolo Bellini [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia] « Towards an Agathological Self: Aesthetics of the Self in the light of Plato and Plotinus » Salvatore Lavecchia [Universita degli Studi di Udine, Italia], Henosis in Plotinus and Proclus: Beyond the Self (-identity) Michele Abbate [Universita degli Studi di Salerno, Italia] « Selfhood Unbound: Sensus in Bernardino Telesio and Tommaso Campanella » Guido Giglioni [Universita di Macerata, Italia]

12h30: Discussion 1300: Common Lunch: Casa Maria Immacolata


15h00-16h45: Aesthetics of the Self: Moderator Salvatore Lavecchia [Universita degli Studi di Udine, Italia] “”Shadows of Themselves: Plato on Self, Being and Interiority” Eric Perl [Loyola Marymount University, USA]. « Metapsychology and Metaphysics of the Self’ John Hendrix [Roger Williams University, USA] « The Composer’s Imagination: Musical Disposition According to Al-Fârâbî » Daniel Regnier [St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada]

16h45: Discussion

17h15-19h30: Mapping Mind, Language and Intentionality. Moderator Valentina Zaffino, [Pontifica Universita Lateranese, Citta del Vaticano, Italia]. “Proclus’ Metaphysics of Language: Theurgic Intentionality” Jose Manuel Redondo [UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico] “Eriugenia’s de Pradestinatione Liber and the Notion of Primordial Cause” Ezequiel Luduena [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina] “Richard of St. Victor: The Reception of Denys the Areopagite Through the Translation of Eriugena” Clelia Attanasio [University of Cambridge, UK] « Free-Will and Responsibility: Human Mind in Cudworth’s Treatises » Natalia Strok [Universidad de Buenos Aires/Universidad Nacional de La Plata/CONICET, Argentina]

19h30: Discussion

May 29 Saturday: Foro di Alti Studi Patrick Atherton


9h00-9h45: Nous in the Greek Patres. Moderator: Isidoros Katsos [University of Oxford, UK] “Ethical Intelletualism in Antiquity and the Patristics: The Birth of Original Sin” Ilaria Ramelli [University of Oxford and Durham University, UK]

9h45: Discussion

10h00-11h00:Plotinus’ Role in Shaping Augustine’s Conception of Mind. Moderator Stephen Gersh [University of Notre Dame, USA]. “Mind in the Confessions of Augustine” Mark Edwards [University of Oxford, UK] “Plotinus in de Trinitate Joseph O’Leary [Sophia University and Nanzan University, JP]

11h00: Discussion

11h30-12h30: Later Platonism and Gnosticism: Moderator: Eric Perl [Loyola Marymount University, USA]. “Toucher Dieu : la critique antignostique de Plotin (Enn. 3.2–3 [47–48] ” Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete [CNRS-LEM, France] “Plotinus ‘On Providence’ “ Another Engagement with the ‘Tripartite Tractate” (NHC I,5)” Dylan Burns [University of Amsterdam, Netherlands]

12h30: Discussion Lunch/Open MEDIEVAL PATTERNS

14h00-16h00:Thinking Causes: Fluxus: Moderator Dragos Calma [University College Dublin, IRL] “Influentia: A Way of Questioning Causes in Roger Bacon’s Questiones supra Librum de causis” Odile Gilon [Centre de Recherche en Philosophie, Université Libre de Bruxelles] “Flow and Creation in Albert the Great’s De causis et processu universitatis” Maria Evelina Malgieri [University College Dublin, IRL] “Anima Nobilis in Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome” Matthew Vanderkwaak [University College Dublin, IRL] 1530: Discussion

16h00 -17h30: Thinking Causes: Fluxus: Moderator: Daniel Regnier [St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada] “Bonum est unuscuiusque rei essentia: Berthold of Moosburg’s Radical Agathology” Giuseppe Vitale [Universtity College Dublin, IRL/University of Cologne, BRD] « A Renaissance Reception of Proclus’ Commentary in Euclid: Alessandro Piccolomini and the New Foundations of Mechanics » Alvaro Campillo Bos [University College Dublin, IRL]

17h30: Discussion

21h00: Concerto/Sala Casella/Accademia Filarmonica Romana/ Via Flamina 118, Roma. “Improvisationi: Musica e Cultura” Alessandro Sbordoni, [Associazione Nuova Consonanza/Roma] “Improvizationi Acoustici” Roberto Fabbriciani e Alessandro Sbordoni, [Associazione Nuova Consonanza/Roma]

May 30 Monday: Foro di Alti Studi John D. Turner


9h00-10h30: Roman Religions: Moderator Moderator Svetla Slaveva-Griffin [Florida State University, USA] “I culti orientali a Roma in eta imperiale” Luciano Albenese [Universita degli Studi di Roma, La Sapienza, Italia], “Incontro e assimilazione (systasis) con Helios nei papiri magici. Alcune osservazioni» (Meeting, petitioning, reaching (systasis) God Helios in the Magical Papyri. Some Remarks) Giuseppe Muscolino [Universita degli Studi di Catania [Italia], “Rules for Reading and ‘Becoming Like God’ in the Anonymous Prolegomena to Plato’s Philosophy” Jose Maria Zamora [Univerdidad Autonoma de Madrid, ESP]

10h30: Discussion

11h00-13h00: Rethinking Cusanus. Moderator Claudia D’Amico [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina] « The Liber de causis in De Coniecturis of Nicholas of Cusa: The Concept of reditio completa » Victoria Arroche [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina] « Conjectural Self-Knowledge » in the De Coniecturis of Nicholas of Cusa » Claudia D’Amico [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina] “The Power of Imagination in Nicholas of Cusa’s Ars coniecturalis” Jose Gonzales Rios, [Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET, Argentina] 1230: Discussion Lunch/Open RENAISSANCE, MODERN AND ANCIENT PATTERNS

14h00-16h00: Varieties of English Platonism. Moderator Mark Edwards [University of Oxford, UK] “The Platonic Soteriology of Shakespeare’s Late Plays”, Christian Hengstermann [Universitaet Wuppertal, BRD] “Between Florence and Tuebingen: The Neglected Historiographical Significance of the Cambridge Platonists”, Douglas Hedley [Clare College, Cambridge, UK] ”Frames of inner Vision: Kathleen Raine and Philip Sherrard as Contemporary Cambridge Platonists” Gareth Polmeer [Royal College of Art, UK)

15h30: Discussion

16h00-18h00: Justice and Fictions [Co-Sponsored by the International Society for Socratic Studies] Moderator: Claudia Marsico [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina] « The Primitive Polis, Facts and Fictions » Ivana Costa [Universidad de Bueonos Aires, Argentina]. “Antisthenes, the Cyclops, and the Healthy Polis in Republic, II” Claudia Marsico [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina] “Justice and Piety in Plato’s Euthyphro” Marisa Divenosa [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina]

17h30: Discussion

18h00-19h30: Drama and Fictions [Co-Sponsored by the International Society for Socratic Studies]: Moderator Denis Robichaud [University of Notre Dame, USA] “Plato’s Laches as a Philosophical Drama. Similarities between the Laches and the Charmides. » Inbal Cohen-Taber [St. Mary’s College/Maryland, USA] “Socrates’ Burial and Euclides” Menahem Luz, [University of Haifa, Israel]

19h30: Discussion

21h00: Banquetto/Trattoria da Aldone e Giacomino, Via Enio 55, Roma

May 31 Tuesday: Foro di Alti Studi Jacob Neusner


9h30-10h30: Anabaseis and Katabaseis in Jung’s Psychology: Moderator: Luciana Gabriela Soares Santoprete [CNR-LEM, France] « Theurgy in Jung and Neoplatonism: Comparative Phenomenology. » Bruce MacLennan [University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA] “Time and the Soul” Alan Cardew, [University of Essex, UK]

10h30: Discussion

11h00-13h30: “Knowledge: Cultural and Political Myths in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Moderator Erasmo Silvio Storace [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia], “Power, and Salvation in the Post-Modern Age” Paolo Bellini [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia] “Civilizational Mythology” Fabrizio Sciacca [Università degli Studi di Catania, Italia] “Body: Between Politics and Mythopoiesis” Raffaella Palmisano [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria Varese e Como, Italia] « Simulacra of Totality: Filling the post-modern Void through Cloakroom Communities » Giada Fiorese [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia] “Politics of Sexuality: Contemporary Perspectives on Sex, Power, and Desire” Michele Olzi [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia].

13h30: Discussion

14h00: Business Meeting: Presenters Michele Olzi [Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Varese e Como, Italia]; Robert M. Berchman [FSA Roma]; Claudia D’Amico [Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina]; Jose Maria Zamora [Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ESP]. Proceedings: FSA Publications Report: FSA/Mimesis; FSA/Wipf&Stock FSA Conferences Report: Roma, Buenos Aires, Madrid FSA Legal and Financial Report: Institute at Caesars Head Ltd. Salem, SC/USA.


Robert Berchman –

Eleonora Zeper –

Complete programm on the FSA’s Facebook page @FSAGaetanoMassa


Plato Research Guide


This LibGuide is for the φιλοπλάτωνος!

The reference material on Πλάτων (Plato) is found in several locations: Religious Studies and Philosophy Library (B 351-B 399 non-circulating), Greek and Latin Reading Room (PA 3104, PA 3404-PA 3405, PA 3612, and PA 4279-PA 4333 non-circulating), and Stacks (B 355-B 399 and PA 4279-PA 4333).  Circulating material is found in the Mullen Library stacks. Check the WRLC catalog for monographs and journals that could be applicable to your topic. Check the CU’s e-journals for full text journal articles online.

(Text by the organizers)


Dead See Scrolls Digital Library


The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) is very proud to present the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library, a free online digitized virtual library of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Hundreds of manuscripts made up of thousands of fragments – discovered from 1947 and until the early 1960’s in the Judean Desert along the western shore of the Dead Sea – are now available to the public online. The high resolution images are extremely detailed and can be accessed through various search options on the site.

With the generous lead support of the Leon Levy Foundation and additional generous support of the Arcadia Fund, the Israel Antiquities Authority and Google joined forces to develop the most advanced imaging and web technologies to bring to the web hundreds of Dead Sea Scrolls images as well as specially developed supporting resources in a user-friendly platform intended for the public, students and scholars alike.

The launch of the Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library comes some 11 years after the completion of the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls, initiated and sponsored by the IAA, and 65 years after the first scrolls were unearthed in the Caves of Qumran. This digital library is another example of the IAA’s vision and mission, to make these ancient texts freely available and accessible to people around the world. The Leon Levy Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Library represents a new milestone in the annals of the story of one of the greatest manuscript finds of all times.

(Text by the organisers)


University of St Andwers

Philosophy and Religion

in Ancient Greece and the Islamic World

Description and organization

The School of Classics at St Andrews is holding a one-day workshop on the interface between philosophy and religion in the ancient Greek and Islamic worlds. The workshop will be held in person (School of Classics, Room S11) and online (via MS Teams).

Organisers: Olaf Almqvist ( and Alex Long (



9.30am Olaf Almqvist, St Andrews
‘God is day night, winter summer, war peace, golden winged, two horned, and born from an egg: Reflections on the Orphic Protogonos and Presocratic Theology’

10.30am Tom Harrison, St Andrews
‘The unknowability of the divine in classical Greek thought’

[short break]

12 noon Zhenyu Cai, Cambridge
‘Al-Fārābī, Avicenna, and Averroes on Reason and Revelation’


1.30pm Fedor Benevich, Edinburgh
‘Personal Identity in Islamic Philosophy of Religion’

2.30pm Feriel Bouhafa, Cambridge
‘Different Grounds for Human Moral Obligation (Taklīf) in Islamic Theology and Philosophy’

[short break]

4pm Peter Adamson, LMU
‘Do Giraffes Have an Afterlife? A Muslim Theologian-Philosopher on Animal Souls’

