L’Au-delà dans l’Antiquité tardive

Courants philosophiques et religieux païen


Session du matin. Modération : Pierre Caye.

10h20-11h. Nicola Zito : « Mythe et eschatologie dans l’Antiquité tardive »

11h-12h. Michael Chase : « Eschatologies du corps spirituel : Porphyre et Avicenne »

12h-14h : déjeuner

Session de l’après-midi. Modération : Anca Vasiliu. 

14h-14h40. Lucia Saudelli : « L’inexistence de l’au-delà : pythagorisme, néo-pythagorisme et pseudo-pythagorisme »

14h40-15h20. Anna van den Kerchove : « Le voyage de l’âme dans des écrits hermétiques »

15h20-16h00. Luc Brisson : « La descente de l’âme dans un corps et le retour vers son origine : Plotin et Porphyre »

16h-16h30 : pause

16h30-17h10. Andreea-Maria Lemnaru : « L’au-delà dans les Oracles Chaldaïques »

17h10-17h50. Dylan Burns : « Sex, Death, and Free Will in Basilides, Bardaisan, and Origen »

18h. Conclusion : Adrien Lecerf


Adresse : Salle des Thèses, 15 rue de l’École de Médecine, 75006

Sorbonne Université, Campus des Cordeliers

(Texte des organisateurs)

Université de Lille

Religion traditionelle et religion philosophique

Penser la relation au divin à l’époque hellénistique et impériale


10h. Accueil

10h30-10h40. Introduction

Modératrice de la matinée : Anne-Isabelle Bouton-Touboulic (Univ. Lille)

10h40-11h30. Jordi Pià Comella (Univ. Paris 3) : « Cynisme et religion dans l’Antiquité »

11h30-12h20. Giulia Scalas (Univ. Lille) : « La physiologie du divin : le discours contre la religio chez Lucrèce et Philodème »

12h20-14h. Pause-déjeuner

Modérateur de l’après-midi : Edouard Mehl (Univ. Lille)

14h-14h50. Clara Auvray-Assayas (Univ. Rouen) : « Religio et superstitio : la réponse de Cicéron à Lucrèce »

14h50-15h40. Rodolphe Le Penru (Univ. Lille) : « Passions divines, passions humaines : la critique stoïcienne de la superstition »

15h40-16h10. Pause-café

16h10-17h. Stéphane Marchand (Univ. Paris 1) : « Le statut de la croyance religieuse dans le scepticisme ancien »


Rodolphe Le Penru et Giulia Scalas

Campus Pont de Bois, Villeneuve d’Ascq, Maison de la recherche

(Texte des organisateurs)

Hellenistic Egypt, An Ancient Poly-Ethnic State

Population, Ethnic Groups, Society

Per Bilde, Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1992


The third volume in the `Studies in Hellenistic Civilization’ series contains eight essays arising from the second international conference organized by the Danish research project on the Hellenistic period in 1990. Contributors include: U Ostergard (What is national and ethnic identity?); D J Thompson (Language and literacy in early Hellenistic Egypt); J Blomquist (Alexandrian science: the case of Eratosthenes); K Goudriaan (Ethnical strategies in Graeco-Roman Egypt); A Kasher (The civic status of the Jews in Prolemaic Egypt); P Borgen (Philo and the Jews in Alexandria); C R Holladay (Jewish responses to Hellenistic culture); J P Sorensen (Native reactions to foreign rule and culture in religious literature).

(Text from the publisher)


Procession et ascension de l’Âme universelle selon Qâzî Sa’îd Qummî, philosophe iranien et commentateur du « Plotin arabe » (m. 1695).

Conférence de M. Christian Jambet, lundi 6 mai 15h-16h (séminaire platonicien et néoplatonicien), département de physique de l’ENS, 24 rue Lhomond salle 357/359: Procession et ascension de l’Âme universelle selon Qâzî Sa’îd Qummî, philosophe iranien et commentateur du « Plotin arabe » (m. 1695). 

Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum

Praying and Contemplating in Late Antiquity

Religious and Philosophical Interactions

Eleni Pachoumi and Mark Edwards, Heidelberg: Mohr Siebeck, 2018


The present volume is focused on the interactions and syncretistic tensions between religion and philosophy in Late Antiquity. The contributors examine issues of personal religious attitudes, initiation to the mysteries, Orphism, theurgy, magic, the Neoplatonist philosopher’s quest for intimacy or union with the divine, magic and Christianity, and oracles, dream-visions and divination.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents

Eleni Pachoumi and Mark Edwards – Introduction

John Dillon – Prayer and Contemplation in the Neoplatonic and Sufi Traditions

Eleni Pachoumi – Magico-religious and Philosophical Interactions in Proclus’ Theurgic Unions

John F. Finamore – Reason and Irrationality: Iamblichus on Divination through Dreams

Mark Wildish – Iamblichus on the Language of Prayer

Wayne J. Hankey – Ratio, Preces, Intuitus: Prayer’s Mediation in Boethius’ Consolation

John Hilton – Public and Private Prayer in the Works of the Emperor Julian

Mark Edwards – Primitive Christianity and Magic

Bronwen Neil – Dream-visions, Prophecy and Contemplation in Origen’s Contra Celsum

Annemaré Kotzé – Augustine Addressing God and Man in the Confessions

Matthew W. Dickie – The Meaning of Initiation in Late Antiquity

Lech Trzcionkowski – Hieroi Logoi in 24 Rhapsodies. The Orphic Codex?

Philip Bosman – The End of the Ancient Oracles: From Deception to Dangerous Demons

List of Authors/Contributors

Index of Ancient Authors

Index of References

Index of Subjects


Collège de France

Agir et Subir

Femmes et familles face aux mutations de l’époque hellénistique

Description et organisation

Mme Eftychia Stavrianopoulou, professeure d’histoire ancienne à l’université de Heidelberg (Allemagne), invitée sur la proposition de la professeure Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge, donnera une série de conférences sur le sujet « Femmes et familles face aux mutations de l’époque hellénistique« 


  1. Histoire de la famille et histoire des femmes : deux histoires différentes ou complémentaires ?
  2. Dans les familles : pratiques traditionnelles et nouveaux enjeux
  3. Dans la sphère publique : stratégies familiales en représentation et transformations sociales
  4. Discours et normes : la construction de la famille-idéale et de la femme-idéale


Collège de France (11, place Marcelin-Berthelot, Paris 5e)

jeudis 9, 16 et 23 mai 2019

à 18 heures en salle 5 et le mardi 21 mai à 18 heures

l’amphithéâtre Guillaume Budé

(Texte des organisateurs) 


Collège de France

« Je vous salue Joseph »

Description et organisation

Colloque international réuni par Anne-Catherine Baudoin (Université de Genève) & Carlo Ossola (Collège de France).


Vendredi 17 mai 2019, 9h30-18h, Collège de France, amphithéâtre Halbwachs

Samedi 18 mai 2019, 9h30-18h, École normale supérieure, salle Dussane


(Texte des organisateurs)



Mystik und Literatur

Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven

Giulia Agostini (Hg.), Michael Schulz (Hg.), Heidelberg: Winter, 2019


Der interdisziplinär angelegte Band hat zum Ziel, das Thema der Mystik aus literatur-wissenschaftlicher, philosophisch-interkultureller und theologisch-interreligiöser Perspektive zu beleuchten. Dabei geht es insbesondere um eine epochenübergreifende Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Mystik und Literatur vom Mittelalter bis in die Gegenwart. Innerhalb dieses weitgespannten Bogens soll der systematische Perspektiven eröffnenden Begegnung zwischen Literaturwissenschaft, Theologie und Philosophie besonderes Gewicht zukommen.




Vorwort 7

Mystik und Institution. Unmittelbarkeit und Vermittlung des Heils Michael Schulz (Bonn) 9

Mystik ohne Gott? Der scholastische Hintergrund tibetischer ‚Mystik‘ aus der Sicht des jesuitischen Missionars Ippolito Desideri (1684‒1733) Karsten Schmidt (Frankfurt) 29

„Der Geist ist trunken wie von Wein“. Grenzüberschreitende Aspekte der christlich-orientalischen Mystik Martin Tamcke (Göttingen) 73

Islamische Mystik als Pfad der Liebe. Das Beispiel der osmanischen Dichterin Seref Hanim (1809–1861) Erdal Toprakyaran (Tübingen) 81

Philosophia orientalis. Grenzgänge zwischen Mystik, Politik und Literatur Cem Kömürcü (Bonn) 107

Engel im Feuer. Zur Rezeptionsgeschichte einer ZoharStelle zwischen jüdischer Mystik, moderner Esoterik und kritischer Theorie Elke Morlok und Ansgar Martins (Frankfurt a. M.) 127

Profane Mystik. Bataille und Proust Giulia Agostini (Heidelberg) 169

Vita passiva oder: Mystik zwischen Heroisierung und Ironie Philipp Stoellger (Heidelberg) 209


New Antiquities

Transformations of Ancient Religion in the New Age and Beyond

Dylan Michael Burns and Almut-Barbara Renger (eds.), Leiden: Brill, 2019


Just as we speak of “dead” languages, we say that religions “die out.” Yet sometimes, people try to revive them, today more than ever. New Antiquities addresses this phenomenon through critical examination of how individuals and groups appeal to, reconceptualize, and reinvent the religious world of the ancient Mediterranean as they attempt to legitimize developments in contemporary religious culture and associated activity. Drawing from the disciplines of religious studies, archaeology, history, philology, and anthropology, New Antiquities explores a diversity of cultic and geographic milieus, ranging from Goddess Spirituality to Neo-Gnosticism, from rural Oregon to the former Yugoslavia. As a survey of the reception of ancient religious works, figures, and ideas in later twentieth-century and contemporary alternative religious practice, New Antiquities will interest classicists, Egyptologists, and historians of religion of many stripes, particularly those focused on modern Theosophy, Gnosticism, Neopaganism, New Religious Movements, Magick, and Occulture. The book is written in a lively and engaging style that will appeal to professional scholars and advanced undergraduates as well as lay scholars.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of Contents

1 – Introduction: What are New Antiquities? – Dylan Michael Burns, Almut-Barbara Renger

2 – ‘From Aphrodite to Kuan Yin’ – ‘The Tao of Venus’ and its Modern Genealogy: Invoking Ancient Goddesses in Cos(met)ic Acupuncture – Almut-Barbara Renger

3 – Ancient Goddesses for Modern Times or New Goddesses from Ancient Times? – Meret Fehlmann

4 – The Artifice of Daidalos: Modern Minoica as Religious Focus in Contemporary Paganism – Caroline Jane Tully

5 – Transforming Deities: Modern Pagan Projects of Revival and Reinvention – Kathryn Rountree

6 – Archaeology, Historicity and Homosexuality in the New Cultus of Antinous: Perceptions of the Past in a Contemporary Pagan Religion – Ethan Doyle White

7 – Reading History with the Essenes of Elmira – Anne Kreps

8 – The Jungian Gnosticism of the Ecclesia Gnostica – Olav Hammer

9 – The Impact of Scholarship on Contemporary “Gnosticism(s)”: A Case Study on the Apostolic Johannite Church and Jeremy Puma – Matthew Dillon

10 – Studying the “Gnostic Bible”: Samael Aun Weor and the Pistis Sophia – Franz Winter

11 – Binding Images: The Contemporary Use and Efficacy of Late Antique Ritual Sigils, Spirit-Beings, and Design Elements – Jay Johnston

12 – (Neo-)Bogomil Legends: The Gnosticizing Bogomils of the Twentieth-Century Balkans – Dylan Michael Burns,Nemanja Radulovic

Index – Dylan Michael Burns,Almut-Barbara Renger


Guide to the Study of Ancient Magic

David Frankfurter (ed), Leiden: Brill, 2019


In the midst of academic debates about the utility of the term “magic” and the cultural meaning of ancient words like mageia or khesheph, this Guide to the Study of Ancient Magic seeks to advance the discussion by separating out three topics essential to the very idea of magic. The three major sections of this volume address (1) indigenous terminologies for ambiguous or illicit ritual in antiquity; (2) the ancient texts, manuals, and artifacts commonly designated “magical” or used to represent ancient magic; and (3) a series of contexts, from the written word to materiality itself, to which the term “magic” might usefully pertain. The individual essays in this volume cover most of Mediterranean and Near Eastern antiquity, with essays by both established and emergent scholars of ancient religions. In a burgeoning field of “magic studies” trying both to preserve and to justify critically the category itself, this volume brings new clarity and provocative insights. This will be an indispensable resource to all interested in magic in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, ancient Greece and Rome, Early Christianity and Judaism, Egypt through the Christian period, and also comparative and critical theory.

(Text from the publisher)

Table of contents


Ancient Magic in a New Key: Refining an Exotic Discipline in the History of Religions – David Frankfurter

The Plan of This Volume – David Frankfurter

Cultural Constructions of Ambiguous, Unsanctioned, or Illegitimate Ritual – David Frankfurter

Mesopotamia – Daniel Schwemer

Iran – Albert de Jong

Egypt – Jacco Dieleman

Greece – Fritz Graf

Ancient Israel and Early Judaism – Yuval Harari

Rome and the Roman Empire – Magali Bailliot

Early Christianity – Joseph E. Sanzo

Roman and Byzantine Egypt – Jacques van der Vliet

The Materials of Ancient Magic – David Frankfurter

The Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri – Jacco Dieleman

Christian Spells and Manuals from Egypt – Jacques van der Vliet

Binding Spells on Tablets and Papyri – Esther Eidinow

Jewish Amulets, Magic Bowls, and Manuals in Aramaic and Hebrew – Gideon Bohak

Gems – Véronique Dasen and Árpád M. Nagy

Figurines, Images, and Representations Used in Ritual Practices – Andrew T. Wilburn

Textual Amulets and Writing Traditions in the Ancient World – Roy D. Kotansky

Building Ritual Agency: Foundations, Floors, Doors, and Walls – Andrew T. Wilburn

Dimensions of a Category Magic – David Frankfurter

Spell and Speech Act: The Magic of the Spoken Word – David Frankfurter

The Magic of Writing in Mediterranean Antiquity – David Frankfurter

Magic and the Forces of Materiality – David Frankfurter

The Magical Elements of Mysticism: Ritual Strategies for Encountering Divinity – Naomi Janowitz

Magic and Theurgy – Sarah Iles Johnston

Magic as the Local Application of Authoritative Tradition – David Frankfurter

Magic and Social Tension – Esther Eidinow
